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Formatting DATs

This section includes DATs used for formatting information.

Tab Codes

Tab codes are used to format reports.





Tab Right

<tabr XX>

Text expands to the right of the tab stop by the specified number of inches.

<tabr 3.5> Tabs from the right at 3.5 inches.

Tab Left

<tabl XX>

Text expands to the left of the tab stop by the specified number of inches.

<tabl 3.5> Tabs from the left at 3.5 inches.

Tab Center

<tabc XX>

Text expands equally on both sides of the center tab stop by the specified number of inches.

<tabc 3.5> Centers text at 3.5 inches from the left.

Tab Decimal

<tabd XX>

Text expands on both sides of a decimal point relative to the decimal tab stop by the specified number of inches.

<tabd 3.5> Aligns decimal at 3.5 inches from the left.

Tab to

<tabto XX>

Text expands to the right of the tab stop by the specified number of inches.

<tabto 3.5> Tabs from the right by 3.5 inches.

Move to

<moveto XX,Y>

Moves the object to XX inches from the left and Y inches from the top.

<moveto 3.5,2> Moves the object 3.5 inches from the left and 2 inches from the top>

Repeat a symbol

<tabr XX _>

Repeats the underscore character from the specified number of inches to the left.

Signature:<tabr 7.5 _>

Repeats the underscore character from 7.5 inches to the left and puts the word “Signature” at the left margin:


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