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Work with LDAP Staff

On this page:

Perform Staff LDAP Directory Synchronization

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of staff members. 
  2. Click Functions
  3. Click LDAP Directory Synchronization
  4. Edit the User ID Attribute as needed.
  5. Click Submit.

Edit a Staff Member Security Settings

  1. On the start page, search for and select a staff member. 
  2. Click Security Settings.
  3. Click the Teachers and Affiliations tab.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Sign in to PowerTeacher

    Select the checkbox if you want this staff member to be able to sign in to the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.

    Teacher Username

    If you want this staff member to be able to access the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, enter a username. If you do not, leave this field blank.

    Note: If LDAP is configured on your server, use the LDAP Enabled checkbox next to the Teacher Username field to enable or disable LDAP Authentication for an individual staff member.

    Note: Field level security may be used to restrict this information. The LDAP Lookup and Clear buttons only appear if you have unrestricted Full Access to Teacher Username (USERS.TEACHERLOGINID) and LDAP Enabled (USERS.TEACHERLDAPENABLED).

    Teacher Password

    If you entered a username in the Teacher Username field, enter the staff member's PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal password.

    School Affiliations

    Manage the schools you want this user to be affiliated with as a teacher/staff member. Selecting more than one school activates the School link on the navigation toolbar in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.

  5. Click Submit

Add School Affiliations

  1. On the start page, search for and select a staff member. 
  2. On the Staff page, click Security Settings from the staff pages menu. 
  3. Click the Teachers and Affiliations tab.
  4. On the Teachers and School Staff section, click Add on the School Affiliations row. 
  5. Select the checkbox next to each school you want to add.
    Note: You can also press SHIFT while selecting multiple schools, which automatically selects all schools between your first and last selection.
  6. Select the Staff Type from the pop-up menu.
  7. It is recommended that you assign a status to each staff member. This makes searching for and selecting staff members more efficient and can affect what directory the user is in for LDAP systems. To specify the staff member's status, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
    • Not Assigned
    • Teacher
    • Staff
    • Lunch Staff
    • Substitute
  8. Click OK
  9. Click Submit

Modify School Affiliations

  1. On the start page, search for and select a staff member. 
  2. On the Staff page, click Security Settings from the staff pages menu. 
  3. Click the Teachers and Affiliations tab.
  4. On the School Affiliations section, deselect the Active checkbox next to the school for which you want to remove access.
    Note: Once you click Submit, the school still appears on the Security Settings page, but the access is no longer active.
  5. Click on the Staff Status field for a specific school to change the status, if needed. Select the status from the pop-up menu.
    Note: The user's Staff Status at their home school is reported to LDAP servers regardless of their status at other schools.
  6. Click the Notes icon in the Action column. Enter any pertinent information about this school association for this staff account.
  7. Click Submit to save changes.

Assign Admin Access

Use this procedure to assign access to the administrative portion of PowerSchool.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a staff member. 
  2. Click Security Settings
  3. Click the Admin Access and Roles tab.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Sign in to Administrative Portion of PowerSchool

    If you want this staff member to be able to sign in to PowerSchool, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox deselected.

    Admin Username

    If you want this staff member to be able to access the entire PowerSchool system, enter a username. If you do not, leave this field blank.

    Note: Usually, only school administrators, PowerSchool administrators, cafeteria personnel, guidance staff, and administrative staff members have access to PowerSchool. Teachers generally only have access to the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.

    Note: If LDAP is configured on your server, select the LDAP Enabled checkbox to enable or disable LDAP Authentication for an individual staff member.

    Note: Field level security may be used to restrict this information. The LDAP Lookup and Clear buttons only appear if you have unrestricted Full Access to Admin Username (USERS.LOGINID) and LDAP Enabled (USERS.ADMINLDAPENABLED).

    Admin Password

    If you entered a username in the Admin Username field, enter the staff member's PowerSchool password.

    Default Group

    To assign the staff member to a security group, choose the appropriate group from the pop-up menu. This security group will be used throughout the administrative portion of PowerSchool unless overridden for a specific school by assigning a specific role.

    Note: Click the field name to view each group and its permissions in PowerSchool.

    Allow Admin Sign in During These Times

    Do one of the following:

    • Select Any time for no restrictions on when the staff member can sign in to PowerSchool.
    • Select Allow this user's access from and use the pop-up menus to choose the time range that the user is allowed to sign in to PowerSchool.

    Allowed IPs

    If you want this staff member to be able to use PowerSchool from certain computers only, enter the IP addresses of those computers in this field. This setting only affects the administrative portion of PowerSchool.

    Note: If you define more than one IP address, separate each address with a comma.

    If you want this staff member to be able to access PowerSchool from any computer, leave this field blank.

    Roles and Schools

    Manage role assignments for the user.

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