Teacher Schedules
The Teacher Schedules page displays the selected teacher's current schedule.
- On the start page, choose Teacher Schedules in the main menu.
- Click the name of the staff member.
On the Teacher Schedule page, you can:
Click PowerTeacher Pro to launch PowerTeacher Pro.
Click New to add a section to the teacher's schedule.
- Click a term to view term information for this section.
Click the name of the course to view basic course information.
Click a section number to view information about this section.
Click enrollment number to display the section's class roster.
Click the Single Day (chair) to enter attendance codes for the current day.
Click the Multi-Day (grid) to enter attendance for a specified date range or reporting term.
- Click Seating Chart to access a read-only version of the teacher's seating chart or charts for that section. On the seating chart page, use the calendar to switch between different dates. Select the seating chart you want to view from the drop-down when multiple versions are available.
A Lock appears to display the reporting term lock status for this section. If some of the reporting terms for the section are locked, you can click the blue information icon to view the status of the different reporting terms associated with the section. If the section is manually locked or unlocked, you can hover over the icon to view the expiration date for the setting.
Click Make All Students Listed Above the Current Selection to work with the group of students in all of the selected teacher's classes listed in the schedule.
Once a student selection is made, section selection is made, use the selection menu to choose whether to lock or unlock selected sections.