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Search for Students by Fees/Transactions

To search for students based on fee or transaction information use any of the following tables and fields in combination with a valid comparator, such as *<table_name>.<field_name><comparator><value>. Search results vary depending on the expression you enter. 

Note: Fees search codes are designed for searches only. Although they do not work in reports or exports, there is a Fees List Object that you can use to print items such as balances and transactions on an object report. 




Fields within this table include:

  • Course_Name
  • Course_Number
  • CreationDate
  • Custom
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Department_Name
  • Description
  • Fee_Amount
  • Fee_Balance
  • Fee_Category_Name
  • Fee_Paid
  • Fee_Type_ID
  • Fee_Type_Name
  • Group_Transaction_ID
  • ID
  • ModificationDate
  • OriginalFee
  • Priority
  • Pro_Rated
  • SchoolFee_ID
  • SchoolID
  • StudentID
  • System_User_ID
  • TeacherID
  • Time
  • YearID


Fields within this table include:

  • Custom
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Description
  • FeeID
  • Group_Transaction_ID
  • ID
  • NetEffect
  • Payment_Method
  • Payment_Ref_Nbr
  • Receipt_Nbr
  • SchoolID
  • Starting_Balance
  • StudentID
  • System_User_ID
  • TeacherID
  • Time
  • Transaction_Type
  • YearID


Fields within this table include:

  • Balance
  • Credit
  • Debit
  • ID
  • SchoolID
  • StudentID
  • TeacherID

Additionally, you can use the following expressions to solicit more complex results:




The students who are not related to a school [Fee] record.


The students who are not related to a course [Fee] record.


The students who have at least one fee with a partial balance (partially paid).


The students who have a partial global balance (partially paid).


The students who have a global balance equal to 0.

Note: The [Fee_balance] record for a student is created when a transaction is created. Some students may not have a [Fee_balance] record because they never had a transaction created. This expression looks for [Fee_balance] records with a zero balance. The students who do not have a [Fee_balance] record will not appear in the results even though their balance is zero.


The students who have no [Fee_balance] record.

Note: This expression complements *fee_balance.balance=0 by returning the students who have no [Fee_balance] record.

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