Daily Attendance
In PowerSchool, your school can track both meeting and daily attendance. Students' meeting attendance records indicate their absences and tardies in each class period during the school day. Students' daily attendance records indicate their absences, tardies, and arrival and dismissal times for an entire school day.
Use the Daily Attendance function to view or change a student's attendance record. Each column represents one week, with the days of the week (MTWTF) underlined. Attendance codes are noted in the chart under each day. On the days where there is no code, the student was present.
Take or Edit Daily Attendance for an Individual Student
Schools use the Daily Attendance function to select a single period to denote a student's daily attendance. By denoting the period, default times for check-in, checkout, and return-in can be defined for a daily attendance total. Attendance can be entered from the classroom using the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal. Once the teacher enters the attendance, the office staff can then take control of a student's daily attendance. The office also can use a variety of options and reports when working with the Daily Attendance function.
With a period marked for daily attendance, the teacher automatically sets the daily attendance while taking attendance in the classroom using the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal. Your PowerSchool administrator sets the defaults for the time in and time out. This lets teachers not only track classroom attendance, but also set the initial code for the office.
After you add a daily attendance entry, you can modify daily attendance. Click the abbreviation for the first day above each day of the week in the current term. Click the letter to display the Daily Attendance page for the date to be modified.
- On the start page, search for and select a student.
- Under Academics, choose Attendance from the student pages menu.
- Click Daily. A dash (-) indicates that school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.
- Select the day for which you want to enter attendance.
- Select the attendance code.
- Enter the time the student arrives or leaves if needed.
Select Exclude from Total Time Calculation to exclude this time item from the total time calculation.
- Click Submit.
Take or Edit Daily Attendance for Multiple Days for an Individual Student
In addition to changing a single date for an individual student, you can change multiple dates at one time.
- On the start page, search for and select a student.
- Under Academics, choose Attendance from the student pages menu.
- Click Daily. A dash (-) indicates that school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.
- Click Change Multiple Days at the top of the Daily Attendance page.
- Enter the date range for which you want to enter attendance.
- Select the attendance codes for which you want to scan. You can select multiple codes.
- Choose the attendance code to apply to the date range.
Select If Other Than a Default Present to either overwrite or not overwrite any existing attendance codes.
Click Submit.