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Prepare Staff

You must verify that you selected the Use for Scheduling checkbox for each teacher on the Staff Scheduling Preferences page in the active or "live" side of PowerSchool. You can use the Set Staff Field Value function to select the checkbox for all teachers at the same time.

  1. On the start page, choose Staff under People in the main menu. The Search Staff page appears.
  2. Select the group of staff members.
  3. Click Functions. The Group Staff Functions page appears.
  4. Click Set Staff Field Value. The Teacher Field Value page appears.
  5. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Field to Change

    Enter the name of the field to be changed. Enter Sched_Scheduled to prepare teachers for scheduling.

    Note: To view a list of field codes, click Fields.

    New Field Value

    Enter the new value of the field. Enter true to prepare teachers for scheduling.
    Put quotation marks around any values that do not perform calculations, such as constant characters or a string of characters.

    Clear Field Value

    Select the checkbox to remove existing values for that field.

    Do not overwrite existing data

    Select the checkbox if you do not want the system to overwrite any existing field values.

  6. Click Submit. The Field Value page appears.
  7. Click Submit to confirm. Now you can perform a search to find the group with the changed value.
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