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Lock/Unlock Web Account Access

Use the following procedures to lock or unlock a contact's web account access. When a contact's web account access is locked, the contact cannot sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal using that account. When a contact web account access is unlocked, the contact can once again sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal using that account.

Note: If a contact is set to inactive, the contact's web account access will automatically be locked/disabled. If a contact is set to active, the locked/disabled setting will not be affected.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a contact. 
  2. Scroll to the Web Account Access section.
  3. Click Edit Account
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Select the Account Enabled checkbox to unlock the contact account.
    • Deselect the Account Enabled checkbox to lock the contact account.
  5. Click Submit.
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