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Incident Codes

There is no limit to the number of incident codes you can create for each code type, with the exception of Participant Roles Codes, which are limited to four system-defined, non-editable incident codes. For example, using the code type of Action, you can create a School Action incident code. Then, create subcodes such as Community Service, Counseling, and In-School Suspension to further define the School Action code. 

Code Type




School Action

Community Service
In-School Suspension

Manage Incident Codes

Use this procedure to add an incident code. Add as many incident codes as needed per code type.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under Discipline and Log Entries, click Incident Management
  3. Click Code & Subcode Setup
  4. From the Code Types list, select the code type for which you want to create a code. 

  5. Click the Plus ( + ) button in the upper-right corner.
  6. Enter the category.
  7. Enter the State Aggregate Report Code. This code can be specified by the state department of education, or it can be a district-defined code (for example, dress code violations with several subcodes defined for the type of violation). For state-defined codes, see your PowerSchool state reporting setup guide.
  8. Enter the Display Order.
  9. Enter the Severity. For state-defined severity codes, see your PowerSchool state reporting setup guide.
  10. Select This code is not divided into subcodes if there are no subcodes to associate with this code type or select This code has at least one subcode if there is a subcode to associate with this code type. To enter multiple subcodes for this code type, see Incident Subcodes.
  11. Enter the State Detail Report Code. This code can be specified by the state department of education, or it can be a district-defined code (for example, dress code violations with several subcodes defined for the type of violation). For state-defined codes, see your PowerSchool state reporting setup guide. Multiple subcodes can be assigned to one aggregate report code. To assign additional subcodes, see Incident Subcodes.
  12. Select State Reportable to mark this code type reportable to the state department of education. This value is used by state reports to identify incidents that have state-reportable codes and subcodes assigned.
  13. Select Police Reportable to mark this code type reportable to the local police for all cases.
  14. Select Allow Comment to include a comment field for the selected code providing the ability to enter additional information about the code. If Allow Comment is selected, select whether you want to Make this Comment Mandatory.
  15. Enter any policy-related information that you want to communicate to users who will be working with this code.
  16. Click Submit

Once you have created an incident code, you can edit or delete it, with the exception of the system-defined Participant Roles Codes, which are non-editable. To edit a code, click edit (the Pencil icon) and make the required changes. To delete a code,  click edit (the Pencil icon) and then click Delete.

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