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Display Options

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PowerSchool provides various display options for the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal that allow administrators to control the data viewed by students or their parents

Set District Name

When viewing school bulletins or printing PowerSchool Student and Parent portal information, the name of the selected student's school district appears at the top of the page. If you wish to update the district name, an option is available to modify the text as it appears in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under District Information, click Miscellaneous
  3. Enter the name of the school district in the Name of district that parents see on sign in screen field.

  4. Click Submit. The Changes Recorded page appears.

Disable/Re-Enable Parent Self-Registration

By default, parents can create their own access accounts in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal via the Create Account tab on the Student and Parent Sign In page. However, you have the option to create access accounts on behalf of the parents by disabling self-registration and then using the Data Import Manager to create access accounts and activate when importing new contacts. Once disabled, the Create Account tab no longer appears on the Student and Parent Sign In page.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under District Information, click Miscellaneous.
  3. Select the Disable Parent Self-Registration on Public Portal checkbox.
    Note: To re-enable, deselect the checkbox.
  4. Click Submit

Hide/Show Balance Icon

When signed in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, students and their parents can use the Balance icon to access fee transaction and lunch balance information. For PowerSchool users who do not use PowerLunch or the Fees component, the option is available to remove the Balance icon from the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under District Information, click Miscellaneous.

  3. Select the Do not show the lunch balance on parent/student pages checkbox to disable the Balance icon in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal. When selected, the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal navigation bar no longer displays the Balance icon.
    Note: Alternately, deselect the Do not show the lunch balance on parent/student pages checkbox to enable the Balance icon in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal navigation bar. When selected, the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal navigation bar displays the Balance icon.
  4. Click Submit

Set Grades/Store Codes

You can specify which grades or store codes you'd like to appear in the PowerSchool portals. In addition to specifying the grade or store code, you can also specify whether the grades shown are from the current grade records or stored grade records.

  1. On the start page, choose School under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under General, click Quick Lookup Preferences.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Store Code

    Displays the store code for the final grades, citizenship codes, and any store codes used only for historical grades.

    Enabled Parent/Student

    Select the checkbox to enable the display of final grades and citizenship codes in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal and PowerSchool Mobile. Deselect the checkbox to disable the display of this data.

    Enabled Teacher

    Select the checkbox to enable the display of final grades and citizenship codes in the PowerSchool Teacher portal. Deselect the checkbox to disable the display of this data.

    Enabled Admin

    Select the checkbox to enable the display of final grades and citizenship codes in the PowerSchool Admin portal. Deselect the checkbox to disable the display of this data.

    Source of Data

    Indicate which final grade and citizenship codes you want to display by choosing one of the following from the pop-up menu:

    • Gradebook (Current): to display the final grade and/or citizenship codes that currently exist in the teacher's PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook. Final grades not used by teachers (historical only) do not have this option.
    • Historical (Stored): to display the final grade and/or citizenship codes from the student's historical file or after the completion of a grading term. Store Codes that only exist as historical grades will always come from the historical file.
    SortIndicate the order in which you want the store codes to appear on the Quick Lookup page.
  4. Select the Count Multi-Period Meeting Attendance Once Per Day checkbox to count only one attendance instance for a class that meets more than once per day. Deselect the checkbox to count attendance for each period.
  5. Select the Show Citizenship Grade checkbox to display the citizenship grade on the Quick Lookup page. Deselect the checkbox to disable the display.
  6. Click Submit

Set the Active Term

The active term allows you to determine which term parent and student access is limited to.

  1. On the start page, choose School under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under Grading, click Current Grade Display
  3. Enter a valid term abbreviation in the Active Term field.
    Note: Only yearlong classes and classes that occur within the specified term will be displayed. Valid values for this field are term abbreviations in the current school year's Years and Terms setup. For example, if you have only defined the Y1, S1, and S2 terms, you will not be able to specify Q1 as the Parent/Student Access Term.

Set Quick Lookup Attendance Preferences

Use the Global Attendance Preferences page to configure attendance information that appears on the Quick Lookup pages.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Attendance, click Attendance
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Suppress attendance display on Quick Lookup...

    Select the checkboxes to hide attendance counts per enrolled course and attendance totals on the students' Quick Lookup pages for the following users:

    • ...for parent users?
    • ...for student users?
  4. Click Submit
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