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PowerSchool SIS

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PowerSchool SIS version is available as of February 25, 2022. When the installers are available for download, an announcement will be posted on PowerSchool SIS Release Notification on PowerSchool Community. 


Feature or Product AreaDescriptionLearn More
Graduation PlannerWhen adding or modifying courses in a Course Group, the search options have been enhanced to support better filtering capabilities. These new options include the ability to search using a Contains or Does Not Contain operator. In addition, the Course Name and Course Number options can now be used multiple times.Graduation Plan
PowerSchool CDNPowerSchool recognizes the concerns of our on-premise customers regarding the use of, the Content Delivery Network (CDN) used for our PowerSchool Design System, and potential loss of navigation during an internet outage if the elements are not cached by the browser. Under normal operation, the browser will cache needed content from the CDN and be available as long as the cache has not cleared. To address this possible situation, we have added a local backup that ships with PowerSchool SIS as a failover to prevent loss of navigation through the new header bar or other user interface elements that utilize the CDN. 
SystemPowerSchool SIS will now use ETags for the cache management of content under the images and scripts directories. The cache duration of files under these folders has been lowered from 24 hours to 4 hours to allow changes to be seen faster while lowering throughput requirements.
Universal RosteringThe getResultsForStudentForClass and getLineItemsForClass endpoints are now available in Universal Rostering.Universal Rostering

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescriptionReference
Attendance ChangeDepending on the PowerSchool SIS server's timezone, the Change Meeting Attendance function no longer fails when attempting to use it.PSF-42026
Change HistoryChange History will now appear for the pages that are enabled in System Settings and assigned to Security Roles.PSF-60634
Contact DetailsAn error no longer occurs when using the up and down arrows to adjust the order for contact addresses.PSF-59086

Several Custom Page Management issues have been resolved:

  • When creating a file or folder, the navigation tree will scroll to the new item.

  • Extract to Keys did not function correctly for new files.

  • The Teacher Backpack template has been renamed to Teacher Student.

  • The Admin Student template has been updated to reflect the updated changes records paradigm.


Data AccessThe Summary of Current Grades and Attendance email no longer sends the wrong data for remote enrollments when TermIDs do not match between home school and remote school enrollments.PSF-48110
Data ManagementCustom Pages using Import/Export screens will no longer cause an outage when many assets exist.PSF-60253
Data ManagementAn outage no longer occurs when deleting a folder in Custom Page Management with many child objects.PSF-60245
Data ManagementUnique columns, like IDs, should not be modifiable when performing mass modifications (Student/Teacher Field Value or DDA). Therefore, to prevent mass modifications, columns are now defined as unique.PSF-59882
Enrollment SummaryThe Enrollment Summary Report no longer omits certain gender headers when drilling down into the gender count details.PSF-60462
HealthVaccines with expiry dates in the past will no longer be excluded from the Immunization Compliance report when they are not exempt.PSF-58139

As part of PowerSchool SIS, security enhancements were made to AutoComm/AutoSend. In some cases, these protections were too strict. This release resolves the following:

  • The file path allows for a single-level path traversal. This allows for hairpin AutoSend/AutoComm execution.
  • Mapped drive letters that are not marked as the data drive can be used in the file path.
Import Fitness TestsImporting fitness tests using the Data Import Manager will no longer fail due to table extensions.PSF-57482
Incident DetailsThe Incident Details page will display the total characters allowed for the Incident Description, and the count will decrease as characters are typed. PSF-58096
Office VisitInactive code set values used for Office Visits will no longer display as an option when adding a new record. The inactive codes will be visible if used in records created before the code set values end date. PSF-58592
PluginsThe Plugin Management screen will no longer incorrectly indicate that some hard-coded plugins can be disabled or upgraded when trying to edit them.PSF-15523
PowerTeacher Pro - Final Grade Entry The final grade column on some PTP pages displayed an incorrect grade before saving updated data.PSF-59183
PowerTeacher Pro - Missing Assignment ReportWhen a teacher ran a Missing Assignment report with at least one student having an assignment scored with zero points, the report failed to display in certain situations.PSF-59926
PowerTeacher Pro - StandardsStandards did not populate in PowerTeacher Pro after upgrading PowerSchool SIS to
PowerTeacher Pro - Traditional Grade Calculation FormulaUsers attempting to edit a traditional grade calculation formula received an error indicating that the reporting term could not be retrieved. PSF-59666

Security regarding the SMTP email password was improved so that the email password now cannot be viewed via page source code.

Server StatisticsSchool Names will no longer appear more than once on the Server Statistics Diagnostic page when processing attendance records.PSF-54942
Sign in PageThe selected language will now remain when logging out of the admin portal instead of reverting back to English.PSF-33723

An HTTP 500 error may occur on some pages immediately after startup.

Users GroupsUsers in groups other than the Admin group could not access Fitness Tests. PSF-58768

Removed Features/Future Deprecation

PowerTeacher Gradebook

PowerTeacher Gradebook will be removed from PowerSchool SIS with the release. To ensure that teachers can start using the more advanced features in PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook when you update PowerSchool SIS, make a plan to transition to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook by the beginning of the 2022-2023 School Year.

Moving to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook

PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS comprises several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being misconfigured. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook








State Reporting

Report SDK
Amazon Corretto Java1.8u3021.8u302
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