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Update a Form

You can edit, publish, delete, or export a form that you are the owner of.

Edit a Form

  1. From the Start Page, select Forms in the Applications section.
  2. On the My Forms tab, click the Edit Form icon on the form record to launch the Form Editor.
  3. Make the appropriate changes to the form.
  4. Click Save Form.

Publish a Form

  1. From the Start Page, select Forms in the Applications section.
  2. On the My Forms tab, click the Edit Form icon on the form record to launch the Form Editor.
  3. To publish and share a form, perform these actions in the form properties:
    1. Select Options, then Publish, to make the form available to users with whom you are sharing the form.
    2. Click the Share Permissions arrow to determine with whom the form is shared.
  4. Click Save Form.

Approve a Form

Refer to Manage Approvals.

Delete a Form

  1. From the Start Page, select Forms in the Applications section.
  2. On the My Forms tab, click the Delete Form icon on the form record.
  3. Click OK.

Export a Form

  1. From the Start Page, select Forms in the Applications section.
  2. On the My Forms tab, click the Edit Form icon on the form record to launch the Form Editor.
  3. From the Save Form list, select Export Form.
  4. Click OK to download the .form file to your local drive. 

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