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Counselor Assignments

Counselor Mass Assign

Counselor Mass Assign allows you to assign a counselor to a group of selected students. To access Counselor Mass Assign, select Special Functions from the main menu and choose Group Functions. Then select Counselor Mass Assign from Functions.

Assign a Counselor

Before assigning a counselor or multiple counselors, you should search for and select a group of students for which you want to assign a counselor. To quickly identify any students who do not currently have a counselor assigned, search for Counselor= and initiate the search. For information on how to identify a staff member as a counselor, refer to User Access Roles.

You can modify the student group you are working with by clicking the number of students from the Mass Assign Counselor page and updating the selection as needed.

  1. Select Mass Assign Counselor from the Group Functions.
  2. Within the current student selection, you can further specify a group of students by filtering for a specific initial or name, or grade. For instance, if you are working with 12th grade and want to assign Counselor X to students with a last name beginning with A, you can filter for Last Name A.
  3. Search for the counselor or counselors you want to assign to this group of students.
  4. Click Select for the counselor you want to assign.
  5. Select the logic you want to apply for this counselor assignment:
    1. Assign to Students without Existing Counselor will assign the counselor to students who do not currently have a counselor assigned.

    2. Replace Existing Counselor will replace all existing counselors with the selected counselor.

    3. Assign as Primary Counselor will assign the selected counselor as the primary counselor. Existing assigned counselors will become secondary counselors.

    4. Assign as Secondary Counselor will assign the selected counselor as a secondary counselor.

  6. Click Save.

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