Search Using Incident Data Grid
The Incident Data Grid is the central point from which you can quickly and easily view incidents for your school or district, as well as create a customized search filter to locate specific existing incidents. When signed in at the school level, you can view incidents that include a participant from that school or incidents that originated at that school for the assigned incident code types. When signed in to at the district level, you can view incidents at all schools for the assigned incident code types.
The information displayed depends on your security settings.
Use the Incident Data Grid
- On the start page, choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu.
- Click Incident Management.
- Select the Date Range for which you want to review the incidents.
- Select the Incident Element to view specific incident counts or select the customization gear to Edit Tile Configuration where you can Hide a tile from view or select a code or subcode to view.
- Click an Incident Count tile to filter the incident results.
- Select Create Quick Incident to quickly and easily create a new incident using the Quick Incident drawer or Create Detailed Incident to create a new incident using the Incident Detail page.
You can click the Incident ID or Title to access the Incident Detail page for that incident. You can Download the incident information by selecting an incident or multiple incidents, clicking Download, and choosing the appropriate file type. You can update your current selection by selecting a specific role and either Add to Current Selection or Set Current Selection.