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Scheduling DATs

This section includes DATs used to return scheduling information.

Period Information

The period_info DAT is used to section and current grade information based on a student’s course enrollment in the specified period.

Format: ^(*period_info;XX;___)

Note: XX = The expression for the section. The expression must be entered exactly as seen on the Quick Lookup or Section page.

Example #1: ^(*period_info;1(A);___) 


Example #2: ^(*period_info;1-2(A) 3(B) 4(A);___)


Teacher Name


Teacher name for the section with expression XX.


Course Name


Course name for the section with expression XX.


Course Number


Course number for the section with expression XX.


Section Number


Section number for the section taught section with expression XX.


Current Grade


Student's current grade for the section with expression XX.


Current Percent


Student's current percent grade for the section with expression XX.


Current Citizenship


Student's current citizenship for the section with expression XX.


Teacher Comment


Teacher comments for the section with expression XX. [PGFinalGrades]Comment

Note: Entered via PowerTeacher Gradebook, as opposed to the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.



The classroom for the section with expression XX.


All teachers ever associated to a section


Note: Name format is 'last, first'. Only teachers with roles flagged for display on reports will be listed. Teachers are listed according to the sort order defined in the role module.

All teachers currently associated to a section


Note: Name format is 'last, first'. Only teachers with roles flagged for display on reports will be listed. Teachers are listed according to the sort order defined in the role module.

Teacher field value associated to a section    ^(*period_info;1(A);teacher_i_{field_name})Returns the field value for field defined.
Sections field value for the section^(*period_info;1(A);section_i_{field_name})Returns the field value for field defined.
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