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PowerSchool SIS

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PowerSchool SIS version is available as of November 10, 2022. This release is considered a minor feature/maintenance release. When the installers are available for download, an announcement will be posted on PowerSchool SIS Release Notification on PowerSchool Community.

Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms customers are encouraged to upgrade the Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms plugins to version (or higher) in preparation for an upgrade to the jQuery library in an upcoming PowerSchool SIS release, to ensure all features within Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms will work as expected.

New Features and Enhancements

Feature or Product Area


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HealthNew Enhanced Vision Screening fields are now available and can be enabled by a new health pref enabled (path below).

Start Page to District Setup to Health Setup to Setup to Enable Enhanced Vision Screening Fields

Once enabled, the new Enhanced Vision Screening fields will allow districts to record more comprehensive and complete data surrounding a student's vision screening. If the new Enhanced Vision Screening fields are enabled, the legacy Vision Screening fields will be view only.


Enhanced Health

Mass Assign CounselorWording of the assignment logic has been revised. "No Change" is updated to "Assign to Students without Existing Counselor", and "Replace" is updated to "Replace Existing Counselor". Counselor Assignments
PowerQuery DATPowerQuery DATs have been enhanced with the following changes:
  • Customizers can now define additional arguments beyond the stock arguments
  • When returning a Date value from a PowerQuery DAT the date format will be based on the user's current locale.

Two new PowerQuery DATs have been added to demonstrate the new capabilities:

  • com.powerschool.core.dats.students.attendance_daily_by_date_range
  • com.powerschool.core.dats.students.attendance_meeting_by_date_range
PowerQuery DATs
PowerSchool Mobile App

Only PowerSchool Mobile App version 22.5.x and higher is supported for use with PowerSchool and above. PowerSchool Mobile App versions older than 22.5.x will generate an error when attempting to connect to PowerSchool and higher.

In addition, if you are using Ecollect to view forms, the PowerSchool Mobile App must be upgraded to the same version of PowerSchool SIS

Teacher Comment Bank Length Extended to 2000 CharactersTeachers can now store comments up to 2000 characters in their personal comment bank.
Web AnalyticsIn order to improve our products, collect important user feedback, and deliver exceptional user experiences, Gainsight PX (Product Experience) has been added to PowerSchool SIS. Learn more in this FAQ about the benefits and use of web analytics.Miscellaneous District Settings

Resolved Issues

Product Area



Academic and Career PlansThe Academic and Career Plans will no longer fail when there are duplicate site names with different locality names in the import file.PSF-68968
AttendanceThe Day Part Attendance process has been improved to skip schools that fail the Day Part calculation. PSF-72060
AttendanceThe format of the Attendance Admit Slip has been improved for printing.PSSR-303899
AttendanceThe Nightly Attendance recalculation will now update attendance views after the last day of the school year and before the start of the new year.PSF-67115
Attendance DashboardAttendance for remotely enrolled students attending a class will now appear in the Meeting tab of the Attendance Dashboard, while the Daily Attendance tab will only display students from the home school. PSF-72604
Attendance ReportsAttendance codes three characters long will no longer overlap in columns on the Class Attendance Audit report when selecting 30 days or less.PSF-34850
Course SettingsThe New Course button on the Courses page will no longer be available when the Only allow new courses to be created at the District Office preference is selected.PSF-70999
Custom PagesThe syntax highlighting in Custom Page Manager now works as expected.PSF-72443
Data Export ManagerAn error will no longer occur when creating a Scheduled System Template from the Data Export Manager.PSF-70598
Data Export ManagerThe Confirm Delete icon will now display properly on the My Templates and Scheduled System Templates tabs.PSF-70203
Data Import ManagerAsset Imports will now display error or success messages instead of failing when bad records exist.PSF-61625
Health MonitoringThe Meal Bolus field now accepts a negative value and 2 decimal points.PSF-72390
Health Monitoring The Correction Bolus field now accepts a negative value and 2 decimal points.PSF-70775
Health MonitoringThe date time will now reflect correctly on the Health monitoring page when using Singapore Time (SGT).PSF-68350
Historical GradesThe Historical Grades page correctly shows the Term Year and Abbreviation when a Stored Grades SchoolID value is from a school other than the student's current school.PSF-72360
Localization The District Office and External Systems text labels on the Admin Access and Roles now appear correctly based on the user's current locale.PSF-72419
LocalizationImporting Language Packs using a delimiter other than comma no longer produces an error.PSF-71368
Master ScheduleThe Master Schedule Matrix View will now display the same classes as the Master Schedule List View.PSF-66082
PowerQueriesThe Data Restriction Framework (DRF) will now only apply to the incidenttypecode Incident_lu_code.CodeType when accessing the Incident_lu_code table.PSF-71403
PowerSchool as Service ProviderThe Page to Display When You Sign In setting is now honored when utilizing OIDC or SAML as an external identity provider.PSF-70790
ReportsProtections have been added to prevent "runaway" Report Engine reports that can cause system stability issues.PSF-72126
SchoolUsing the Automated Calendar Setup will no longer cause the following error when clicking Submit: Invalid simple-setting JSON string value.PSF-69561
SecurityThe "Modify access privileges for this page" banner will now appear on the Drop Students page when the Access to Page Permissions option has been enabled.PSF-70608
StabilityThe Section_Meeting table has been updated to have a foreign key relationship to the Periods, Cycle_Day, Section, and Schools table.

Note: The PSF-71010 schema update may fail if there is pre existing data issues, this includes duplicate periods or cycle_day records in the current or previous years. These data issues will need to be resolved in order for the schema update to complete.
StaffThe user will no longer receive an error when editing the security of a staff member assigned the Counselor role when their assigned students have transferred. PSF-70779
StaffThe Schedule This Teacher flag for teachers associated with two schools will remain checked when the teacher's home school is updated.PSF-67922
StudentThe Student header now correctly shows Student information after adding or editing a Daily Attendance record.PSF-62534
Student SearchStudent Search performance has been improved when Include Remote Enrollments is selected.PSF-72221
Teacher ScheduleThe loading bar now closes as expected when opening the Edit Section page in a new tab from the Teacher Schedule page.PSF-71364
Teacher ScheduleThe course name on the Edit Section page from the Teacher Schedule will now display as plain text. Changes for courses must be done from the Sections page in School Setup.PSF-67085
Universal RosteringA thread-safe issue in the Universal Rostering API will no longer cause bad data for some records when concurrent requests are made.PSF-72170

PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS comprises several software components, each versioned independently. Independent versioning allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being misconfigured. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server








State Reporting

Report SDK
Amazon Corretto Java1.8u3221.8u322
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