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Ecollect/Enrollment Express

PowerSchool Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express version is available as of 6/26/2022.


Product AreaDescription

Admin – Category Completion Report

When a district admin wants to export data from the Category Completion report page, they now select Export or Export Selected from the Actions menu, then choose to export the data to a JSON, XML, CSV, or PDF file.

Admin – Category Completion Report

When an admin loads the Teacher Category Completion Report at the school level, it will now only load active teachers. When an admin loads the report at the district level, it still loads all the teachers.

Admin – Cloud Pre-Registration Process

The legacy pre-registration process in the Cloud Enrollment portal will soon be deprecated. In preparation for this, as of July 1, 2022, all pre-registration forms in the Cloud Enrollment portal will only support the current year (2022-2023, starting July 1) as the entry year, preventing using the Cloud pre-registration process for 2023-2024 and beyond.

When using the Enrollment portal’s District Configuration page, the Entry Year configuration is limited to “Show only current year,” starting July 1, 2022.

Admin – Export Tabular Response Report Data

The user interface to export data in tabular format from the Reports page has been updated. The administrator now selects Export or Export Selected from the Actions menu, selects the Table content type, then chooses to export the data in a JSON, XML, CSV, or PDF table.

Admin – Form Builder

When a district has the Unified User configuration enabled and a staff user creates a new teacher form (Collaborative or Individual Response), they can no longer use the email_addr field from the PowerSchool field mapping list.

When a district has the Unified User configuration enabled, the following applies to existing teacher forms that contain email_addr mapping:

  • The form response data from this field is no longer written to the SIS.
  • If a user edits the form and attempts to save it, they are instructed to remove the mapped email_addr field before saving the form.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescriptionReference

Admin – Form Share

When the Next Form property was used in the form configuration, the admin share permissions for the form that was loaded next were overridden and the form was visible to all users. This issue was resolved.


Admin – SIS Pre-Registration Report

When a SIS pre-registration form contained custom or added elements with the same element titles, the captured form data was not included when exporting the pre-registration report. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Teacher Form Submit

When a staff user tried to submit a Teacher or Staff form at the District Office level where the form contained a PowerSchool field linked to an element and the teacher was associated with more than one school but not associated with the district office, it resulted in an error. The error message has been updated to instruct the staff user to submit the form at the intended school instead.

For teachers associated with only one school but not the district office, or one or more schools as well as the district office, the form can be submitted successfully at both the School and District level.


Admin, Parent, Teacher – Blank Form Spaces

When a form had workflow mapping enabled, the mapped elements did not move to the most appropriate position on the Form and resulted in blank spaces. This issue was resolved.


Admin, Parent, Teacher – SQL Injection IssuesPrevious responses and the Gen table category within the auto-complete feature had SQL Injection issues on the tlist-sql queries. This has been remediated.EEC-13454

Parent – SIS Pre-Registration Form

When a SIS pre-registration form element had custom data validation and was marked required, parents were able to submit the form without data in the required field. This issue was resolved.


Parent – SIS Pre-Registration Form

When a SIS pre-registration form had a predefined value that contained tokens or dynamically forced values, it did not render it as expected on the Parent portal. This issue was resolved.


Student or Parent – Form Submit with Auto-Complete Data Set

When a form utilized auto-complete data sets with the Gen table where the Value is alphanumeric and the ValueT (code representation of the value) is numeric, it resulted in an error and the student or parent was unable to submit the form. This issue was resolved.


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