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Attendance and Membership DATs

This section includes DATs used to return attendance and membership information.

Daily Attendance and Membership


Days in Attendance







Displays total days in attendance.

Displays the daily attendance total for the specified term.

Displays the daily attendance total for the specified date range.

Days in Membership







Displays the total daily membership.

Displays the daily membership total for the specified term.

Displays the daily membership total for the specified date range.

Ada/Adm Percentage








Displays total days in attendance divided by the total daily membership as a percentage.

Displays total days in attendance divided by the total daily membership as a percentage for the specified term.

Displays total days in attendance divided by the total daily membership as a percentage for the specified date range.

Displays total days in attendance divided by the total daily membership as a percentage for the specified date range rounded to 3 decimal places.

Note: The self rounding format only applies it the ADAADM DAT.

Aggregate Membership



Displays the aggregate number of membership for the date range.

Daily Absences






^(*DABS; 7/31/2007;1/1/2008)

Returns the total number of daily absences.

Displays the total number of daily absences for the specified term.

Displays the total number of daily absences for the date range.

Daily Attendance Points

^(daily.att.points;school number;att code or category;term or date range)




Returns the total number of attendance points for daily attendance for the specified attendance codes/categories within the specified term or date range.

School number may be omitted.

Daily Attendance Dates

^(daily.att.dates;school number;format;att codes;term or date range)


Returns a list of dates for which a student received daily attendance.

This example returns a pipe separated (|) list of dates during semester 1 on which the student received an absence.

Daily Attendance Count

^(daily.att.count;school number;att codes;term or date range)


Returns a count of the daily attendance occurrences for an individual student.

This example returns the number of daily absences during semester 1.

Period Attendance

The period attendance (per.att) DAT returns attendance information for the specified expression.

Format: ^(per.att;XX;Y;TT;__)


  • XX = Expression
  • TT = Term or Date Range
  • Y = Attendance Code, Attendance Code list, or Attendance Category
  • ZZ = Display Format

Period Attendance













Displays the total period attendance codes for the specified period.

Displays the total period attendance total for the specified term.

Displays the total of a specific period attendance code for the specified period.

Displays the specified period attendance codes for the specified period and term.

Displays the total period attendance codes for the specified period and specified date.

Displays the total of a specific period attendance code for the specified period in the specified date range.

Dates of Attendance





^(dates.of.attendance;1(A); / ;T;Q2)

^(dates.of.attendance;1(A); / ;T;Q2;dateformat=MM/DD/YY)

^(dates.of.attendance;1(A); / ;T;8/1/2008;9/1/2008)



Returns a list of dates for meeting attendance codes entered for an individual student.

The display format parameter defines how the results of the DAT will be printed when multiple dates exist; in more technical terms, it is the delimiter that will be used between each returned attendance code instance. Any character may be used as the record delimiter, such as the slash ("/") or pipe ("|").

Special display formats

  • ",." - Comma separated with a period at the end of the list.
  • "tab" - Tab
  • "ol" - Ordered list
  • "ul" - Unordered list
  • "br" - Break 


The AttPointsPeriod DAT returns the number of attendance points for the specified expression. 

Format: ^(attpointsperiod; class expression; attendance codes or categories; term abbreviation/date range)

Note: XX = Class Expression, TT = Term, Y = Attendance Code or Attendance Code Category.

Period Attendance Points





^(attpointsperiod;XX;MM/DD/YYYY; MM/DD/YYYY)








Displays the total period attendance points for the specified term.

Displays the total period attendance points for the specified period and term.

Displays the total period attendance points for the specified period and specified attendance code.

Displays the total period attendance points for the specified period, specified attendance codes, and specified term.Displays the total period attendance points for the specified period, specified attendance codes, and specified date range.

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