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Missing Assignment Report

This report provides a list of missing assignments in your sections for currently enrolled students.

Use this report to audit your sections, identify missing assignments, and notify students so they can complete their work before the end of a term.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Reports, then Missing Assignment Report.
  2. Under Criteria, enter a report title.
  3. Select Classes.
  4. Optionally, select Groups.
    If you select from classes and groups, the list of students included in the report is filtered to those who meet both criteria.
    1. If you created a Custom Class Name, select Use Custom Class Name to add it to the report output.
    2. Choose a Student Field.
  5. Under Sort Options, choose the Layout, Students, and Assignments. The Gradebook Preference defaults to the selection you made on the Display Settings page.

  6. Under Data, choose the criteria for Assignments and Categories you want to include in the report.
  7. Choose the Date Range. To run the report for a custom date range, choose Manual then select a start and end date.
  8. Click Students. Select Include Dropped Students to include dropped students on the report.
  9. If you want to run the report for a subset of students, select Add/Remove Students and use the filter to locate specific students. Clear the selection next to the students to exclude from the report.
  10. Click Format, then enter a Top Note and Bottom Note.
  11. Click Run Report.

    When using most browsers, the file automatically downloads to the folder you have designated on your computer. When using the Safari browser, the report output will display in a window. Choose File, then Export as PDF to download the report to your computer.

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