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Display Settings

Choose from the Display Settings to customize the appearance of information in PowerTeacher Pro.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Settings, then Display Settings.
  2. Choose the criteria for sorting class names from the Display and Sorting options.
  3. To display traditional grades in the gradebook, select Show Traditional Grades, then choose the Values to display in the traditional grade column. 
  4. Optionally, select Show Standards Pages and Links or Show Standards on Assignments.
  5. Choose the Auto-Calculate Assignment Standards Scores to set the default setting for newly created assignments.
  6. Choose the Navigation Links Sort Order to change the sort order of the Traditional and Standards navigation links in the Grading menu and Quick Menu. 
  7. Select Professional Judgment Indicator to identify where you want the indicator to display.
  8. Under Student Names, choose from the Display and Sort Students by options.
  9. If you select Hide pre-registered students, a Pre-registered label will display next to these students' names on an assignment details page.
  10. Click Save.
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