Create Categories and Assignments
Categories are broad classifications in which you group similar types of assignments. Examples of categories are homework, tests, and quizzes.

Make a category available to one, some, or all of your classes. For example, if you teach two lab sections, you can create a category for lab work assignments and make that category available for use only in those two sections. When you create assignments for the other classes, the lab work category will not display as a category option.
Your district can also create categories for teachers to use. You cannot delete district-created categories, but you can change the setting of district-created categories to be inactive. You may choose to do this if school policy requires that you use your categories, or if you do not want to use the district-created categories.
If multiple teachers share a section, only the lead teacher's categories will be available for use when working with that section. Use the Categories page to manage your categories for use with sections where you are the lead teacher.