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Assessment is available if your district has purchased and enabled PowerSchool Assessment or PowerSchool Analytics.
PowerSchool Assessment and PowerSchool Analytics provide standards-based instructional assessment solutions for school districts that allow administrators and teachers to deliver measurable improvements in student performance.

PowerSchool Assessment and PowerSchool Analytics launch in a separate window or tab, depending on your browser settings. Be sure to sign out of PowerSchool Assessment or PowerSchool Analytics when you are finished.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Assessment.
  2. Choose a direct navigation link to functions within PowerSchool Assessment:
    • Manage Tests directs you to the Assessment Library.
    • Administer Test directs you to the Testing Center.
    • View Results directs you to Assessment Reporting.
    • Assessment Home directs you to the Assessment home page.
    • Manage directs you to Interventions.

The following links may be available from Reports:

  • View Results directs you to Assessment Reporting.
  • Achievement Records directs you to Student Achievement Records.
  • Longitudinal Data directs you to Longitudinal Data System Reporting (which is available if PowerSchool Analytics is enabled).

For more information, consult the PowerSchool Assessment and PowerSchool Analytics online help.

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