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Standards Scoresheet

The Standards Scoresheet provides student standards scores for the selected reporting term.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Students.
  2. Locate the specific student, then select Standards Scoresheet.
  3. Optionally, you can filter assignments to evaluate the student's performance on specific standards or categories.
    1. Click the gear icon.
    2. Choose Filter Standards to filter assignments by standards.
    3. Choose Show Filter to filter by additional criteria, then choose from the filter options.
    4. Click Apply.
  4. Click a cell to display the standards summary information and the Score Inspector.
    If you change a student's standards final grade, click Preview Grades to preview the effect of the changes on the student's final grade.

    A triangle in the corner of a grade cell indicates that the score has been manually overridden.

  5. Click Save.
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