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Student Assignments

View a summary of the student's grades and assignments for the selected reporting term.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Students.
  2. Locate the specific student and select Assignments.
  3. Click the gear icon, then choose to display or hide the filter options. You can also choose to Copy Assignments, Recalculate Final Grades, and Transfer Scores, if applicable.
  4. Click a column heading to change the sort order of assignments.
  5. Choose an assignment to display assignment scores for the class.
  6. Click a cell to display the assignment summary information and the Score Inspector. If necessary, you can manually update grades. When changing a student's assignment grade, click Preview Grades to preview the effect of those changes on the student's final grade. Click the Standards hyperlink to preview changes to the auto-calculated standards grades.

    A triangle displays in a cell to indicate the final grade was manually overridden.

  7. Click Save.

If standards are associated with the assignment, select the Standards hyperlink to display the Assignment Standards Detail.

Choose from the Quick Menu to navigate to other pages in the Students section of PowerTeacher Pro.

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