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Email Students and Contacts

If your district has enabled the email option, you can communicate with your students and their contacts while reviewing assignments and grades.

Emails are sent only to a contact's primary email address.

Do not use this feature to communicate information related to student safety.

  1. Click Create, then choose Email.
  2. Click Select by Classes or Select by Groups.
  3. Select the necessary classes or groups.
  4. Select students from the class list or student group, or select contacts from the respective columns.
  5. Optionally, choose the filter, then select from the filter options to filter the eligible recipient list.
  6. Select the Message tab, then enter text for your subject and message.

    Emails must be plain text. If your email requires attachments, click Copy Emails to copy all of your recipients' email addresses to be pasted into another email service.
  7. Select CC Me if you want to send a copy of the email to yourself.
  8. Click Send.
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