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Create a Category

Create categories before you create assignments so that you can group the assignments by type. Then, set up assignments in PowerTeacher Pro, choose whether to include them in the final grade and tie them to standards, if needed.

  1. Click Create, then choose Category.
  2. Click the caret next to Select Classes, then choose the classes.
  3. Enter the category Name and other necessary information:
    • The Color represents the category in PowerTeacher Pro.
    • Choose Active and Inactive to determine the availability of the category. This setting does not impact assignments that have already used the category.
    • The Description provides information about the category to administrators, parents, and students. Enter the description in plain text or HTML. You can also copy and paste content from a text document.
  4. Select Assignment Defaults.
    • Choose from the Publish Assignment drop-down list to indicate when to publish assignments for this category to the PowerSchool for Students and Parents portal.
    • The option to Publish Scores is selected by default, meaning scores will automatically publish to the PowerSchool for Students and Parents portal. Clear the selection if you do not want scores automatically published for this category.
    • Choose the Score Type for the category. By default, scores publish to administrators, parents, and students.
    • Select Count in Traditional Final Grade to include new assignments in this category in final grade calculations.
  5. Select View All to display all active categories. A building icon indicates district-created categories.
  6. Click Save.
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