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Copy Scores and Grades

You can copy scores and grades from one column to different columns in the same or different classes and reporting terms. This is useful if you have a student who switches classes or if you accidentally enter scores or grades for the incorrect assignment or class.

lock icon in the assignment column indicates the reporting term or class is locked. You are unable to copy scores and grades to a locked term

Keep the following in mind:

  • You cannot replace scores or grades that use a different score type than the original.
  • The sort order of the list of students does not matter. Pasting a column updates the score or grade for the appropriate student.
  • If the list of students is different between the original assignment scores and the assignment being copied to, only scores for students who are in both classes will be updated.
  • When entering scores on the single assignment page, the Paste function is unavailable for an assignment score when the standards calculation is set to use automatic calculation.
  1. On the AssignmentsScoresheet, or Standards Grades page, click the score or assignment column header, and then choose Copy.
  2. Locate the assignment or score column you want to replace. Click the column header, and then choose Paste. All updated scores and grades are highlighted.
  3. Click Save.

If you accidentally paste scores or grades into an incorrect column, here's an easy fix:

  1. In the column where you incorrectly pasted scores or grades, clear the contents from the first score in the column.
  2. On the Score Inspector, click the vertical Fill button to fill all fields in the column with the blank score or grade.
  3. Click Save.

The following are examples of how you can use the copy scores and grades feature in your gradebook:

  • You can copy from one assignment to another from the scoresheet. If you enter scores for the wrong assignment (source), you can copy the source assignment scores and paste them into the correct assignment score column (if the score type is the same). If the assignment column was originally blank or you replaced the original scores, then you can copy the assignment scores, refresh the page to reset the scores, paste the copied scores into the correct column, and click Save.
  • You can copy an assignment from one term to another. If the score type is the same, you can copy from one assignment to another in a different term, as long as the term you paste the scores to is not locked.
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