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Tips and Tricks

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Compact View

Use the View selector on the navigation bar to increase the amount of information displayed on a page.

Show/Hide Page Elements

Click the gear icon, then choose to show or hide page elements.

Scroll Bars Invisible

If you are using a Mac, scrollbars may not be available on some pages within PowerTeacher Pro. You can change the system preferences on your Mac to always display scrollbars.

Associate Assignments

You can associate multiple classes to a single assignment with different due dates using the Select Classes menu on the Create Assignment page.

You can copy multiple assignments into different classes and assign relational due dates using the Copy Assignments feature.

Display Standards Name and Description When Evaluating Standards

Hover your cursor over a standards identifier to display a tooltip with the standards name and description.

Save Toner When Using Print Screen and Printing Report

You can save toner by not printing background graphics. Consult your browser application's online help for instructions on printing background graphics.

On reports, select the Exclude Row Shading option to save toner when printing reports.


Use keyboard shortcuts, or hotkeys, to enter score flags. Press Enter to display the indicator in the cell.

Hotkey Code


Co or (.)

Marks an assignment collected.

La or ( * )

Marks an assignment late.

Mi or ( / )

Marks an assignment missing.


Marks an assignment exempt.


Marks an assignment incomplete due to student absence.


Marks an assignment incomplete.

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