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Roster management

Use Roster Management to add respondent information directly to your Permission Click form.

Roster Management allows you to pull information stored in your SIS (student information system) or Active Directory and add it to your Permission Click forms.

How to use Roster Management

Roster Management is simple to use. Once a form is approved/published, you will see an option called "Add Recipients” on the form manager.

Click to open up the Recipients Manager and find the “Email/CSV” at the top of the pop-up window.

From there, you can paste a list of parent/guardian emails. Copy and paste a list of emails that you exported from your SIS or a spreadsheet; you can copy the full column and paste it in. Then, click "Next."

The email addresses will be validated, and invalid emails will be identified so that you can remove or edit them. Then, click the "Add Recipients" button in the bottom right.

Respondent emails can be done all at once or in batches, but the emails will not be sent until you hit "Send to # Recipients." Until then, they will show up in the Response Manager as "Not Sent.”

In the last step, you can edit the email and subject line that parents will see. They will receive the email from*

*Note: The custom subject line feature is available in School Edition Pro only. 

Once sent, you will be able to track the status of the responses (from unsent, sent, opened and completed) from the Form Manager.

There is a messaging function that allows you to send reminder emails to anyone who has an outstanding response.

After you have used this feature a few times, there will be the option to choose a roster list from previous forms so that you don’t need to bring over the same information.

If you do not see the Roster Management feature in your account, please contact support or your customer success rep to learn more about upgrading to School Edition Standard or Pro.

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