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District user guide

A District User has access to the district account and all applicable functions such as creating custom district forms, creating district forms from templates, and accessing form responses as form supervisors.

How to activate your account

If your district is using Microsoft Active Directory integration, you will be able to access your account by simply clicking “Log in with Microsoft/Google” single sign-on. No additional activation is required.

If your district is not integrating with Active Directory, you will need to activate your account by clicking the “Activate Now” link located in the activation email. If you need a copy of the activation email, please contact your account manager. The activation email is delivered from

Next steps & things to consider

Once you have activated your account, you will have access to the District Dashboard. You will be able to create and manage forms and access all available district templates. Your account manager will provide you with training and support on how to create forms, respond to forms, and manage responses and other district edition use cases.

You can also find resources and guides in this help center. Use the search bar at the top to find answers to your questions.

How does the district user account differ from other accounts?

District users have access to the district account with very similar permissions to a teacher’s account access within School Edition. District Users are restricted to creating forms, supervising forms, responding to forms, and managing applicable form responses.

User limitations

District users may not build or manage district templates and are restricted from accessing School Edition accounts. Their user permission is restricted to creating and managing their forms and forms that they are assigned as supervisors.

How to manage and monitor your forms

Manage your forms from the “Forms” tab on the top navigation bar. The Forms screen may be broken into several categories, including Forms, Processes, Supervising and Respond.

  • Forms that you have built will be located under the “Forms” tab.

  • Forms that you are added to as a supervisor will be located under the “Supervising” tab.

  • Forms awaiting your responses will be located under the “Respond” tab.

  • Any Processes that you have in progress will be located under the “Processes” tab.

Most common use cases for District users

These are some of the most common use cases for district users:

  • Submitting responses to forms

  • Supervising forms and reporting on responses

  • Creating Forms to collect responses

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