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Registration version is available as of 3/22/2019.

Resolved Issues

District Admin - Receiving Approval and Delivery Notification EmailsWhen a student submission is approved or delivered to the SIS, school users can be configured receive an email notification; however, if the values in the student submission that are used to determine the email recipient have been edited from the original student submission, the email is not sent to the correct user. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - Selecting a MatchWhen selecting a match on the data delivery page, if the customer has an OTM table defined in the PowerSchool SIS, the user may receive a "given key not present in dictionary" error, preventing the student from being matched successfully. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Completing Form in Haitian CreoleWhen completing a student registration form, if the district has the mobile responsive UI enabled and the language is set to Haitian Creole, certain content, such as the introduction and review text, is being displayed in English. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Submitting a Form with Auto Import Submissions EnabledWhen submitting a student form, several calculations can be performed to the students data. For example, calculating original contact values for state reporting, properly formatting names, etc. Currently, if the Auto Import setting is enabled, these calculations are completed between the family clicking submit and the family reaching the submission confirmation page, causing slowness if many calculations are configured. This issue is now resolved.
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