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Registration version is available as of 2/1/2019.

New Features

Registration Admin - Caret to Clear Data in Certain FieldsTo prevent unknowingly deleting data from the eSchoolPLUS SIS, sending a null value will not clear data; however, now district administrators can clear data in certain fields by delivering a caret (^).
Registration Admin - Exact Contact Matches in eSchoolPlus

Previously, for a contact to be automatically matched to an existing contact in eSchoolPlus through the API, an exact match on Contact ID was required. Now, a newly-created configuration option, Auto-Match to Contact when One Exact Match Found, enables the option to also automatically match the contact if exactly one potential match is found for a contact schema that matches exactly on first name, matches exactly on last name, and matches either at least one phone, at least one email, or at least one address.

Registration Admin - Make Student Phone Optional for eSchoolPlus DeliveryA district administrator can now deliver a student to the eSchoolPLUS SIS via the API while excluding Student Phone.
Registration Admin - Prevent Duplicate RecordsWhen delivering students to the eSchoolPlus SIS via the API, Registration attempts to match contacts in a student submission to existing contacts in the eSchoolPlus SIS; however, if two new student submissions in the same delivery batch have the same contacts, the contacts are not matched and duplicated on delivery. Now, enabling the Attempt Match for Unmatched Contacts within Batch checkbox will prevent the contact from being duplicated if potential matches are found within the delivery batch.
Registration Admin - Remove Unused eSchoolPLUS Contact Phones from eSchoolPlusA district administrator can now elect to have contact phone numbers that were not represented on a student's registration form to be automatically removed from the contact in the eSchoolPLUS SIS.
Registration Admin - Remove Unused Student Phones from eSchoolPlusA district administrator can now elect to have student phone numbers that were not represented on a student's registration form automatically removed from the student in the eSchoolPLUS SIS.
Registration Admin - Unlink Unused eSchoolPlus ContactsA district administrator delivering students to the eSchoolPlus SIS now has the option to unlink or remove unused contacts through two new configuration options. The first configuration option, Unlink Old Contacts, unlinks any contact records linked to the student in the eSchoolPlus SIS that are not included in the data sent by Registration. The second configuration option, Delete Orphaned Contacts, deletes any contact records that are no longer linked to any student due to the Unlink Old Contacts behavior.

Resolved Issues

Registration Admin - Caret Clears Contact Phone NumberContact phone numbers should not be delete-able with a caret (^); however, delivering a caret in a phone field clears the value in the eSchoolPlus SIS. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - Caret In Original Contact Type ErrorWhen delivering data to the PowerSchool SIS, if a caret (^) is added to the Original Contact Type field, any existing value should be replaced with a null; however, it is currently returning an error message instead. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - Caret In Phone Extension ErrorWhen delivering new student contacts to the PowerSchool SIS, adding a caret (^) to the phone extension field results in an error, preventing delivery. Carets in phone extension fields should be supported. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - Deliver Students via the eSchoolPlus APIWhen delivering student data to the eSchoolPlus SIS via the API, if the Attempt Match for Unmatched Contacts within Batch checkbox is enabled, an error message appears, preventing delivery. This issue is now resolved.
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