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Registration version is available as of 12/14/2018.

Resolved Issues

Registration Admin - Delivering Student Address Data to eSchoolPlus SIS via DDAWhen delivering student data to the eSchoolPlus SIS via the DDA, if the student mailing address is marked as being different from the student physical address, an error displays, preventing delivery. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - Submission Auto-Tagging RulesWhen importing submissions into the Submission Workspace, tags can be automatically applied to a record based on values or conditions; however, some records are not being tagged correctly despite the values meeting the auto-tagging criteria. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Family Support Contact FormFamily support communications should be initiated through the Contact Support form on PowerSchool Community; however, within the parent portal, there are a few instances that still direct families to contact support through an email address. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Re-Attempting Submission with Payment After Unsuccessful SubmissionIf a family submits a form using an online payment method and the submission is unsuccessful but the payment is successful, if the family then returns and submits the form a second time using the same payment information, they can receive a duplicate charge. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Read-Only Dropdown FieldsWhen a parent is completing a form that contains read-only drop-down fields pre-populated from a roster, if they enter a value into an editable field on the same page via an autofill feature in their web browser, the read-only drop-down fields can be inadvertently updated from the autofill. This issue is now resolved.
Schoolrecs Parent - Authentication from Access Point in Other FormWhen a parent attempts to access Schoolrecs via a link on the introduction page or submission confirmation page of a form, the login key is authenticated; however, the user is not being flagged as being logged in, preventing the user from accessing account information. This issue is now resolved.
Schoolrecs Parent & Recommender - Accessing a Closed FormWhen a parent or recommender attempts to access a closed recommendation form, they are directed to an unexpected error page that provides no indication that the form that they are trying to reach is closed. This issue is now resolved.
Schoolrecs Parent & Recommender - Schoolrecs Root PageIf an authenticated user attempts to visit Schoolrecs' root page, an error displays; the user should be redirected to the Home page instead. This issue is now resolved.
Schoolrecs Recommender - Newly Created AccountsWhen a recommender successfully creates a new account, they are redirected to a page that only family accounts have access to, resulting in an error; they should be directed to the Home page instead. This issue is now resolved.
Schoolrecs Recommender - Recommender's Email Address on FormWhen a recommender is completing a recommendation form, the recommender's email address can be displayed as read-only text on the form using a token; however, instead of the recommender's email address, the token *is*REQ:RecommenderEmailAddress*is* is being displayed. This issue is now resolved.
Schoolrecs Recommender - ThesaurusWithin a recommendation form there is a thesaurus feature that recommenders can use to find synonyms when answering questions about the applicant; however, if they attempt to open the thesaurus, a modal with HTML code appears instead. This issue is now resolved.

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