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Registration version is available as of 10/26/2018.

Resolved Issues

Registration Admin - Generating Multiple SnapcodesWhen sending a notification email or letter for a number of roster records, if the user double-clicks the button to run the task, multiple communications and snapcodes are generated. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - PowerSchool SIS Delivery Batch Creation PerformanceWhen attempting to deliver student records to the PowerSchool SIS, and Registration has a match on ID for a student record, the full list of potential matches for the student is still generated, impacting performance. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - School Choice Waitlist Report Missing StudentsWithin the School Choice workspace, students manually moved to a waitlist after the lottery is run are not included in the Waitlist Report. This includes students moved from different waitlists. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - iNOW Delivery Error MessagesWhen an error occurs attempting to match schemas through the iNOW API, the message received is not the error message returned by the API call, making it difficult to troubleshoot and resolve the underlying issue. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Conditionally Shown Read-Only Text FieldsIf a text field in a form is defined as read-only and has conditional show-if logic applied to it, a second, editable field appears above the read-only field. This issue is now resolved.

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