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Registration version is available as of 09/21/2018.

Resolved Issues

Registration Admin - PowerSchool SIS Student Contacts Integration Email MatchingWhen attempting to match to an existing Contact record in the PowerSchool SIS, the email matching is case sensitive, resulting in some matches not being found. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Deferring All Fees, Non-Mobile-Responsive UIIn the non-mobile-responsive parent portal, when all of the fees are deferrable, if a parent elects to defer all of the fees they are assessed, when the parent attempts to submit the form, an error appears, and the parent is unable to proceed. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Returning to Pay Deferred FeesWhen deferred fees are used, if a parent elects to defer at least one fee, when the parent attempts to pay the remaining fee(s) from the Submission Confirmation page of the previously-submitted form, an error appears, and the parent is unable to proceed. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Deferring All Fees, Mobile-Responsive UIIn the mobile-responsive parent portal, when all of the fees are deferrable, if a parent elects to defer all of the fees they are assessed, the parent is still required to provide payment information and they are unable to proceed. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Admin - Roster PreviewWhen viewing the preview form for some roster records, if you refresh the preview or if you navigate to the submission confirmation page and then navigate back to the form pages, sometimes the incorrect form preview appears. This issue is now resolved.
Registration Parent - Downloading PDF of Submitted InformationWhen a parent submits a public-level form, such as a single-page form that does not require an account, and then attempts to download a PDF of their submitted information after completing the family survey, the parent is incorrectly directed to the Sign In page. This issue is now resolved

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