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Work with Custom Web Pages

Use Manage Custom Pages to access your PowerSchool SIS files and directly add, edit, or delete custom pages. When working with files and images, you can create custom files or you can customize PowerSchool built-in files.

Page Elements

The site tree in the side panel is a copy of the PowerSchool SIS web root directory structure and contains folders and files. Custom files are blue. Custom files that came from a plugin are purple. Move the pointer over the file name to display the name of the plugin.

In the toolbar, find standard HTML editing tools, as well as Snippets and Templates:

  • Select Snippets to choose one of the formatted PowerSchool elements to insert in the page.

  • Select Templates to choose one of the formatted PowerSchool page templates.

Refer to the following table for information about different tools:



Customize Page

After a built-in PowerSchool file is selected from the site structure, copy the content from the currently active copy of the page to the Editable section.

Save Draft

After content has been modified in the Editable section, save your changes.

Preview Page

Preview the page in the browser view.


If you created a file or customized a built-in PowerSchool file, a Draft of the file is made. After you publish the Draft, it becomes Active. Only two versions of a file, Active and Draft, may appear in the list box at one time. Active versions cannot be edited or re-published, but can be deleted.


After you have finished customizing a file, make it available for users to access.

Extract to Keys

Extract the selected text to a key for translation.

Preview Keys

Preview the extracted keys for the page.

After selecting a text file from the site tree, edit the content by copying the content from the Original tab to the Editable tab and editing the file content there.


Folders assist you in organizing the custom files you create or upload into the PowerSchool database. You can create folders within the Site Structure where needed.

Create a New Folder

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Right-click where you want to add a new folder.

    1. Selecting the top-level folder creates a folder at the top level.

    2. Selecting a folder under the top level creates a folder within the selected folder.

    3. Selecting a file creates a folder within same folder as the selected file.

  3. Select New, and then select Folder.

  4. Enter the name of the folder in the Folder Name field.

  5. Verify the Folder location.

  6. Click Submit.

Delete a Folder

  1. Right-click the folder you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete.

  3. If the folder or any of its subfolders contain any customized files, there will be a confirmation message. Click OK.

Deleting files and folders in Custom Page Management only deletes the customizations.

Upload Custom Files

Using the Upload function, you can transfer individual files from your computer into the PowerSchool database.

The following valid file types may be uploaded:

  • Binary

  • .css

  • .csv

  • .dmg

  • .exe

  • .ftl

  • .gif

  • .hqx

  • .htm

  • .html

  • .ico

  • .ics

  • .ifb

  • .jar

  • Javascript

  • .jpeg

  • .jpg

  • .js

  • .json

  • Macbinary

  • .mov

  • .pdf

  • .png

  • .ps-savetodisk

  • .rpt

  • .sit

  • .swf

  • .text

  • .tif

  • .tiff

  • .tsv

  • .txt

  • .xml

  • .zip

If uploading an image, be sure to upload the image to the same folder as the file in which the image should be located.

For customers with access to the PowerSchool web root directory (non-asp customers), a .zip archive of multiple files or directories cannot be uploaded or downloaded from the PowerSchool database. To "upload" a .zip archive of multiple files or directories, perform the Migrate function. It is important to note that re-migrating overwrites any files currently in the database including files that have been modified using Custom Web Page Management. To "download" a .zip archive of multiple files or directories, copy and paste the file content from the Customize Page text box.

Do not upload a file greater than 2.4 megabytes. A file of this size seems to upload successfully, but a script error is generated and the file is not uploaded. 

When uploading a QuickTime file (.mov), the file is available as an asset, but the file is not in the site tree and therefore cannot be customized.

Upload a Custom File

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Right-click the folder in which you want to upload a file.

  3. Select Upload, and then select File.

  4. Click Choose File and select the file you want to upload.

  5. Verify the Folder location.

  6. Click Submit.

Work with Custom Files

The following valid file types may be created:

  • .css

  • .csv

  • .ftl

  • .htm

  • .html

  • Javascript

  • .js

  • .json

  • .rpt

  • .text

  • .tsv

  • .txt

  • .xml

After a file is created, it cannot be renamed or moved. However, you can create a new file with a new name or location and copy the content of the previous file into the new file, and then delete the old file. Deleting a file removes all versions of the file permanently from the PowerSchool database.

Create a Custom File

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Right-click the folder in which you want to create a new file.

  3. Select New, and then File.

  4. Enter the name of the file in the File Name field.

  5. Verify the location.

  6. Click Submit.

Create a New Page Fragment

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Right-click the file for which you want to create a page fragment.

  3. Select New, and then Create New Page Fragment.

  4. Enter a unique name in the Fragment Name field. The Fragment Name should not contain the period character.

  5. Select the Insertion Point where the page fragment should be injected.

  6. Click Submit.

Create Custom File Content

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Select the new file for which you want to create content.

  3. Edit file content in the Editable text editor.

  4. Click Save Draft. If you navigate away from the custom file currently being edited before saving your changes, your changes will not be saved.

  5. Click Preview Page to review the page as it would be rendered in PowerSchool.

Edit Custom File Content

You cannot edit an Active version since it has already been published.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Select the custom file you want to edit.

  3. Select the Draft version.

  4. Edit file content in the Editable text editor.

  5. Click Save Draft.

  6. Click Preview Page to review the page as it would be rendered in PowerSchool.

Customize Built In PowerSchool Files

  1. Within the Site Structure, select the built-in PowerSchool file you want to customize.

  2. Click Customize Page.

  3. Edit the content in the Editable text editor.

  4. Click Save Draft. If you navigate away from the custom file currently being edited before saving your changes, your changes will not be saved.

  5. Click Preview Page to review the page as it would be rendered in PowerSchool.

You can revert to the original built-in PowerSchool file by deleting a customized PowerSchool file. Reverting a file removes all customized versions of the file permanently from the PowerSchool database.

Publish Files

After customizing a file, publish it to PowerSchool to make it available for users to access.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Select the file you want to publish.

  3. Select the Draft version.

  4. Click Publish. The status of the file changes from Draft to Active.

Only one Draft version and one Active version of a file are allowed at once.

Extract Custom Page Text for Translation

Use the Extract to Keys function to convert customized file content to display on the Language Translation page in PowerSchool for batch translation.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Custom Pages page.

  2. Select the file you want to translate.

  3. In the Editable text editor, select the text you want to convert for translation, and then select Extract to Keys.

  4. Repeat for each text string to be translated.

  5. Click Preview Keys to access all of the extracted keys and the current text value.

  6. Click Save Draft. The extracted keys are now available for batch translation on the Language Translation page in PowerSchool.

Keyboard Shortcuts

When the Editor panel is selected, the following keyboard shortcuts are available.



Save and Publish

Windows: Ctrl + S

Mac: Command + S


Windows: Ctrl + 1

Mac: Command + 1


Windows: Ctrl + 2

Mac: Command + 2


Windows: Ctrl + 3

Mac: Command + 3


Windows: Ctrl + 4

Mac: Command + 4


Windows: Ctrl + 5

Mac: Command + 5


Windows: Ctrl + 6

Mac: Command + 6


Windows: Ctrl + B

Mac: Command + B


Windows: Ctrl + I

Mac: Command + I


Windows: Ctrl + U

Mac: Command + U

Insert Link

Windows: Ctrl + L

Mac: Command + L

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