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View Course Requests

This page displays the courses a student has requested for the upcoming term within the current school year. Some of these requests may have been fulfilled while others may not have.

This page is view-only for all users.

View Current Course Requests

  1. Navigate to the Course Request Management page. 

  2. Click View Current Requests

  3. Use the following table to review this page:



Crs Num

The number used to identify the course.


The name of the course.


Indicates whether course is required or elective.

Cr Hrs

The number of credit hours earned by taking this course.


Indicates any course requirements.

Total Credit Hours Requested

The total number of credit hours earned by taking all requested courses.

View Future Course Requests

This page displays what courses a student has requested for the next scheduling year, which is defined in PowerScheduler.

  1. Navigate to the Course Request Management page. 
  2. Click View Future Requests.

  3. Review the page as needed.

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