Truancy and Attendance Letters Report (View Only and Extract)
Use the View Only version of this report to review the dates that students received truant attendance that requires parental notification – the date that attendance met or exceeded the threshold of an attendance tracking level.
Use the Extract version of the report to record the date that the parent was notified (the date the report completes, usually the current date). This date represents the date that the attendance letter was printed and sent to the students' parents or guardians. Setting the "date extracted" cannot be reversed, so it is recommended to verify data using the View Only version before running the Extract version.
The Extract version of this report produces both of the following two outputs, while the View Only version of this report produces only the first output:
- A list of students who meet or exceed a specified threshold for an attendance tracking level. This output includes the ability to immediately access a student in the list by clicking the student's name.
An attendance letter to be printed via a ReportWorks report.
ReportWorks must be set up prior to accessing reports. For more information, see the ReportWorks Setup and Administration Guide.
The first time you run the extract for each attendance tracking level and trigger, all records are returned that meet the level and trigger. Subsequently, records are only returned if they met level and trigger since the last time the extract was run.
You must run the Refresh Attendance Tracking Data report before the Truancy and Attendance Letters report.
Run the Truancy and Attendance Letters Report
Both the View Only and Extract versions of this report must be run at the school level. To run the report, navigate to the System Reports page and select Truancy and Attendance Letters (Extract/View).
Select the Grades you want to include in the report.
Choose the Extraction Type.
- Select the attendance tracking level.
- Select the trigger from which you would like to report.
- Enter the minimum age of students to include in the report.
- Click Submit.
When the report completes, click View.
Additional Options
- Set as current selection (View Only version): Click the button to work with the selection of the students.
ReportWorks (Extract Version): Click ReportWorks to access the list of ReportWorks reports for your school. Choose the Attendance Letters report.
The Attendance Letters template must be published in ReportWorks before it will be available as a report. The PowerSchool installation includes one Attendance Letters template for the district. If different attendance letters are required for schools on the server, it is recommended to publish the template with a different name for each school. For more information, see the ReportWorks Setup and Administration Guide.