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Parent or Student Access Statistics Report

The Parental Access Statistics Report tells you how often the parents of students at your school use the PowerSchool Parent or PowerSchool Student Mobile apps to sign in to PowerSchool, or use the PowerSchool Parent/Student Web Portal to check student progress. The report provides information on all parents in general and not on specific parents.

  1. Navigate to the System Reports page.

  2. Click Parental Access Statistics.

  3. Enter the first and last days of the date range to scan using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

  4. Click Submit. The resulting report displays how many times parents accessed student records via the mobile apps or the Web portal. Raw data and percentages are provided. The report also displays the number of parents signed up for emailed progress reports and the number of reports sent during the selected period.

    Proceed by printing the report from your Web browser or saving it to another application. For more information, refer to Report Formatting.

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