School Information DATs
Name | Code | Description | Example |
School Abbreviation | ^(schoolabbr) | Displays the school name abbreviation. | The abbreviated school name is ^(schoolabbr). The abbreviated school name is AGHS. |
School Name | ^(schoolname) | Displays the full school name. | Welcome to ^(schoolname)! Welcome to Apple Grove High School! |
School Year/Term Abbreviation | ^(abbryearterm) | Displays the year and term in the format YY-TT. | This progress report is for ^(abbryearterm). This progress report is for 08-S1. |
School Year Abbreviation | ^(yearabbr) | Displays the school year abbreviation in the format YY. | The bell schedule is new for ^(yearabbr). The bell schedule is new for 08. |
School Year Name | ^(yearname) | Displays the full school year name. | The grades printed include the ^(yearname). The grades printed include the 2008-2009 School Year. |
Term Abbreviation | ^(termabbr) | Displays the term abbreviation. | This is your student’s report card for ^(termabbr). |
Term Name | ^(termname) | Displays the full name of the term. | This is your student’s report card for ^(termname). This is your student’s report card for Semester 1. |