Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes
In addition to the federal ethnicity and race that appears on the student General Demographics page and the staff Edit Information page, students and staff members are also asked to choose a scheduling/reporting ethnicity. Scheduling/reporting ethnicity codes are used to collect individual student and staff level ethnicity data to be used in scheduling and preconfigured reporting.
Add a Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Code
Use the following procedure to create new scheduling/reporting ethnicity codes.
Navigate to the Scheduling and Reporting Ethnicity Codes page.
Click New.
Enter the ethnicity code.
Enter a description for the code. If you want to associate SIF ethnicity codes with PowerSchool ethnicity codes, you will need to map the codes appropriately.
Click Submit.
Edit a Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Code
Use the following procedure to edit existing scheduling/reporting ethnicity codes.
Navigate to the Scheduling and Reporting Ethnicity Codes page.
Click the ethnicity code or description you want to edit.
Click Submit.