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Need Assistance?

PowerSchool provides a variety of resources to help get answers fast.

Data Dictionary

The PowerSchool Data Dictionary provides a comprehensive list of all PowerSchool database tables and views, including Reporting Views, SIS Views, PowerSchool Tables, and PowerTeacher Pro Tables. To access, click Help and select Data Dictionary on any page in PowerSchool.

Online Help

Use PowerSchool online help to learn about the PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS), to serve as a reference for your daily work, and to assist you in navigating through the system.
You are encouraged to read each section of the online help that pertains to you. While the introductory sections build a foundation of knowledge that you will use every time you sign in to PowerSchool, the remaining sections are independent of each other and can be read in any order.

PowerSchool online help is updated as PowerSchool is updated. For the most up-to-date information, click Help and select System Help on any page in PowerSchool.

PowerSchool Community

PowerSchool Community is a support website that offers a wealth of information, including documentation, user forums, and knowledge base articles. The address for this site is Be sure to bookmark this website for future use.

You will need a username and password to sign in. If you do not have a username and password, contact your PowerSchool administrator.

Release Notes

To learn more about a specific release, visit the release notes. Release notes are available in the PowerSchool online help. To access, click Help and select System Help on any page in PowerSchool, and then click Release Notes and locate the version of PowerSchool you would like to read about.

State Reporting/Provincial Help

All documentation related to your state or province reporting is also available in an online, searchable format. To access, click Help and select State Reporting Help (US) or Provincial Reporting Help (Canada) on any page in PowerSchool.

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