Manage Text Mask Sets
Using the Text Mask Administration page, you can define your own patterns of letters, numbers, and other characters as user-defined text masks. Fields that have text masks associated to them are validated upon submitting a page that contains those fields. If an error occurs, a field level message appears indicating the correct format to be used, such as (###) ###-####.
Text mask sets may also be used to validate field entry against a specific series of values, such M and F for validating data entry of gender.
Add a Text Mask Set
This page is only available at the District level.
- Navigate to the Text Mask Sets page.
- Click Add Set.
- Enter the name for the text mask set, such as Phone Number.
- Enter the allowed text mask formats, which will be used in error messaging, such as (###) ###-####.
Enter the text mask format, such as (###) ###-####. The text mask format can be made up of a series of character placeholders, including:
- # - Number placeholder
- @ - Alpha placeholder (any non-number)
- * - Any number of any character
- \ - Escape character (to allow for use of placeholder characters as literals)
- Use any other literal character as a delimiter.
To add another Format/Value, click the Add Row (+) icon. For example, if adding acceptable formats for Phone Number, you may want to also add ###-###-####.
To delete a Format/Value, click the Delete Row (-) icon.
You may also add specific values to a text mask set without using placeholder characters to restrict form entry or imports to a specific set of values. This can be useful to add import validation to certain fields normally displayed as a menu with a specific set of options.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
- Click Submit.
If there are any data validation errors, an orange warning message appears at the top of the page indicating that the information could not be saved, each type of error encountered and the number of occurrences of each error.
Edit a Text Mask Set
This page is only available at the District level.
- Navigate to the Text Mask Sets page.
- Click the name of the Text Mask Set you want to edit.
- Edit information as needed.
- Click Submit.
If there are any data validation errors, an orange warning message appears at the top of the page indicating that the information could not be saved, each type of error encountered and the number of occurrences of each error.
Delete a Text Mask Set
This page is only available at the District level.
- Navigate to the Text Mask Sets page.
Click the Delete button next to the name of the Text Mask Set you want to delete.
The Delete button does not display for text mask sets that are being referenced by existing rules.