Import/Export Assets
Using the Data Import Manager, you can import Asset Data and update existing Assets. To import a new file, select Choose File and select the file to import. Then select Asset: Asset Data for Import Into.
Import Asset Data
You can import asset data using Asset: Asset Data. To import, you should first identify the Asset type, such as Book, eBook, or Equipment. Depending on the selected Asset type, the respective fields will be validated. Some fields have rules regarding what is a valid value, such as dates, booleans, and code sets. An invalid value may cause a single row or multi-row import to fail.
Multi-row imports have additional checks for duplicate Isbn/partnum/modelnum/revision and conflicting values. Duplicate Isbn/partnum/modelnum/revision records and conflicting values are rejected.
Below are the rules for Generic entities:
Entity | Rule |
Boolean Flags | When specified, the value of 0 indicates false. 1 indicates true. No other values accepted. |
Code Set Values | When a code set value is specified, it must be a case-insensitive match to an actual code in the database for the applicable code type. |
Dates | When specified, the date must follow this format: mm/dd/yyyy. Any date values not in that format result in an error. |
Blanks | All Boolean flags have default values that are applied if no value is specified. |
Asset: Asset Data
Entity | Rule |
AssetType | Empty value is not allowed. Must be one of these code set values: Book, eBook, Equipment. Must be a valid code defined in the system |
Name | Empty value is not allowed. |
ISBN, Edition, Publisher | Empty value is not allowed for AssetType Book and eBook. |
Partnum, Manufacturer | Empty value is not allowed For AssetType Equipment. |
IsActive | 0 indicates false. 1 indicates true. 1 is the default value that is applied if no value is specified when importing new records. |
AssetDate | Valid Date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Optional value. |
DateAdopted | Valid Date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Optional value. If the value is provided then it must be greater than or equal to AssetDate. |
DateDiscontinued | Valid Date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Optional value. If the value is provided then it must be greater than or equal to DateAdopted. |
Format | Must be a valid code defined in the AssetFormat Code Set. |
Possible errors:
Invalid Asset Format
Invalid Asset Type
DATEDISCONTINUED must be greater than or equal to DATEADOPTED
DATEADOPTED must be greater than or equal to ASSETDATE
Duplicate ISBN
Duplicate combination of PartNum, ModelNum and Revision
ISBN is required for Book and eBook asset types
Edition is required for Book and eBook asset types
Publisher is required for Book and eBook asset types
PartNum is required for Equipment asset type
Manufacturer is required for Equipment asset type
Asset: Asset Data import has Extensions supported.
Import Asset Inventory
Using the Data Import Manager, you can import Asset Inventory and update existing inventory records. To import a new file, select Choose File and select a file to import. Then select Asset: Inventory for your Import Into option.
About Importing Asset Inventory
You can import asset inventory data using Asset: Inventory. To import, you should first validate Asset data based on Asset Id or ISBN/PARTNUM/MODELNUM/REVISION. Some fields have rules regarding what is a valid value such as dates, booleans, and code sets. An invalid value may cause a single row or multi-row import to fail.
Multi-row imports have additional checks for duplicate Asset Tag and conflicting values. Duplicate Asset tag records and conflicting values are rejected.
Below are the rules for Generic entities:
Entity | Rule |
Boolean Flags | When specified, the value of 0 indicates false. 1 indicates true. No other value is accepted. |
Code Set Values | When a code set value is specified, it must be a case-insensitive match to an actual code in the database for the applicable code type. |
Dates | When specified, the date must follow this format: mm/dd/yyyy . Any date values not in that format result in an error. |
Blanks | All Boolean flags have default values that are applied if no value is specified. |
Asset: Inventory (as of PowerSchool SIS 21.4.2)
Entity | Rule |
AssetTag | Empty value is not allowed. Must be a unique value when importing new records. |
CheckOutDate | This field should be left blank when importing new records. When updating records it will be ignored to make it consistent with AssetInvOwner. |
CheckInDate | This field should be left blank when importing new records. When updating records it will be ignored to make it consistent with AssetInvOwner. |
SchoolID | Must be a valid School_Number defined in the Schools table. |
Condition | Must be a valid code defined in the AssetItemCondition Code Set. Empty value is not allowed. |
Disposition | Must be a valid code defined in the AssetItemDisposition Code Set. Empty value is not allowed. |
AssetID or ISBN or PartNum, ModelNum,Revision | All inventory must be associated with a valid existing asset. There are three ways to identify the associated asset for the inventory record. If known, the AssetID can be used. Otherwise, ISBN must be provided for Book or eBook asset types and PartNum, ModelNum, and Revision must be provided for equipment asset types. If both AssetID and ISBN are provided, then the AssetID will be used if it is valid. If the AssetID is not valid, then the ISBN will be used to identify the asset. |
Possible errors:
SchoolID: Required value(s) missing
Inventory Tag already exists
AssetInvID: Value must be a number
AssetInvID: Invalid
Asset Tag cannot be updated
AssetID/ISBN/PARTNUM/MODELNUM/REVISION : Changes to Non-Updatable Fields not allowed
{New} : Invalid Disposition
HasExtras cannot be added for Book and eBook asset types
ExtrasNote cannot be added when HasExtras is not enabled
ExtrasNote is a required field when HasExtras is checked
SchoolID cannot be modified when inventory is checked out
Condition, HasExtras and Extras Note cannot be modified when inventory is checked out
One Asset cannot have ISBN, PARTNUM, MODELNUM and REVISION
Cannot find unique Asset based on AssetID/ISBN
Cannot find unique Asset based on AssetID/PARTNUM
Please provide either AssetId/ISBN or PARTNUM, MODELNUM, REVISION
Invalid School ID
Asset: Inventory import has Extensions supported.
Import Asset Ownership
Using the Data Import Manager, you can import Asset ownership information, such as Check Out Asset Inventory, and update existing ownership records, such as Check-In Asset inventory. To import a new file, select Choose File and select a file to import. Then select Asset: Ownership for your Import Into option.
About Importing Asset Ownership
You can import ownership data using Asset: Ownership. To Import, you should first validate Asset Inventory data based on AssetInvId or AssetTag confirming that the Inventory Item which will be Checked-in or Checked-out has both a valid inventory record and is active. Some fields have rules regarding what is a valid value, such as dates, booleans, code sets. An invalid value may cause a single row or multi-row import to fail.
Multi-row imports have additional checks for duplicates and conflicting values. Duplicate records are rejected with “Student already has a copy” and conflicting values are rejected.
Rules for Generic entities:
Entity | Rule |
Boolean Flags | When specified, the value of 0 indicates false. 1 indicates true. No other value is accepted. |
Code Set Values | When a code set value is specified, it must be a case-insensitive match to an actual code in the database for the applicable code type. |
Dates | When specified, the date must follow this format: mm/dd/yyyy. Any date values not in that format result in an error. |
Blanks | All Boolean flags have default values that are applied if no value is specified. |
Asset: Ownership (as of PowerSchool SIS 21.4.2)
Entity | Rule |
AssetInvID | Must be a valid Asset inventory ID. Either AssetInvId or AssetTag must be provided to validate Asset Inventory. If both AssetInvId and AssetTag are provided, then it will consider AssetInvId. If AssetInvId is invalid then it will consider AssetTag to identify the inventory. |
AssetTag | Must be a valid Asset Tag created in Asset Inventory. Either AssetInvId or AssetTag must be provided to validate Asset Inventory. If both AssetInvId and AssetTag are provided, then it will consider AssetInvId. If AssetInvId is invalid then it will consider AssetTag to identify the inventory. |
StudentsDCID | Empty value is not allowed. Must be a valid DCID defined in the system. |
CheckOutDate | Empty value is not allowed. Must be a valid date and in the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
CheckInDate | Must be a valid date and in the format mm/dd/yyyy. Date must be equal to or greater than the CheckOutDate. |
ConditionOut | Must be a valid code defined in the AssetItemCondition Code Set. Empty value is not allowed. |
ConditionIn | Must be a valid code defined in the AssetItemCondition Code Set. Empty value is not allowed in Check-In flow. |
ExtrasOut, ExtrasIn | 0 indicates false. 1 indicates true. 0 is the default value that is applied if no value is specified. ExtrasIn Cannot be set when ExtrasOut is 0 which in turn depends on hasExtras in Asset inventory. i.e., ExtrasOut Cannot be set when hasExtras is 0. |
Possible errors:
Cannot find unique AssetInv based on AssetID or AssetTagInventory Tag already exists
Please provide either AssetInvId or AssetTag
Checkin date must be equal or greater than the Checkout date
ExtrasOut cannot be set when hasextras is not set
ExtrasIn cannot be set when ExtrasOut is not set
Asset cannot be assigned as it is already checked out
Condition In is mandatory while Inventory Check-In
Asset is inactive
Cannot checkout the item when disposition is unavailable
Asset is already checked In
Student already has a copy of this asset
No access to school
Asset: Ownership import has Extensions supported.