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Enroll Transferred Students in Summer School (Direct Enrollment Only)

Students transferred to summer school retain their current grade level and are assigned the default FTE for the school and grade level. The previous school enrollment is moved to the ReEnrollments table in PowerSchool once the summer school enrollment process is complete.

Select and Enroll Transferred Students

  1. Navigate to the Re-enroll in School page
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Student to Reenroll

    The selected student appears.

    Date of Reenrollment

    Enter the date of the reenrollment.

    Entry Code

    Choose the reason for the enrollment from the menu.

    Entry Comment

    Enter any comments related to the reenrollment.

    Full-Time Equivalency

    Choose the multiplier to calculate full-time equivalency from the menu.

    Grade Level

    Choose the student's current grade level from the menu.


    Choose the student's current track from the menu.

    District of Residence

    Choose the student's current district of residence from the menu.

    Restore class enrollments?

    Choose either Yes or No from the menu. Restoring the enrollments creates new enrollment records and aids in reports, such as the Enrollment by Section report.

  3. Click Submit
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