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Set Up Email

Before parents can receive an email in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, you must enable email on the PowerSchool server.

If email is not enabled or set up, the Create Account tab on the Student and Parent Sign In page does not appear.

  1. Navigate to the Email page.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Enable Email Notifications

    In order for PowerSchool users to receive scheduled email notifications, select Yes.

    Alternatively, if you do not want PowerSchool users to receive scheduled email notifications, select No.

    This setting only applies to scheduled email notifications and not to the Send Now feature available on the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal. Parents can receive information immediately whenever needed.

    Enable Emailing Of Guardian Reports

    In order for PowerSchool users to receive nightly automatically generated reports, select Yes.

    Alternatively, if you do not want PowerSchool users to receive nightly automatically generated reports, select No.

    This setting is disabled if Enable Email Notifications is set to No.

    POP/SMTP Server

    Enter your PowerSchool mail server address. Although you can enter a domain name, an IP address is preferred.

    E-mail Address Of PowerSchool Technical Administrator

    Enter your system administrator's email address.

    E-mail "From" Host For Mail Generated By PowerSchool

    Enter the domain name that appears after all email addresses at your school. For example, if your email address is, enter Do not enter an IP address in this field.

    Reply-To E-mail For Electronic Progress Reports Sent To Parents

    Enter the email address to which parents can automatically reply when they receive a progress report email. On your mail server, you must set up an account that matches this address. Ensure that the email address you enter exists on your district's email server.

    Reply-to Email For Parent Account Management

    Enter the email address to which parents can automatically reply when they receive an account created, an account updated, or a password recovery email notification. On your mail server, you must set up an account that matches this address. Ensure that the email address you enter exists on your district's email server.

    Complete E-mail Address To Use As The "From" Address When Sending System-Generated E-mail To Administrators And Teachers

    Enter the email address you want administrators and teachers to reply to when they receive system-generated email messages. The system also displays this address as the From address in an email message. For example, if a student changes classes in the middle of a semester, the system sends an email message to the teacher of the class in which the student is enrolling. Ensure that the email address you enter exists on your district's email server.

  3. Set up the following account on your mail server: powerschool@<yourmailserver>. For example, if your email address is, then the account must be set up as
  4. Click Submit
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