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Dynamic Translations for Enrollment Express Emails

Administrators can add translations to Enrollment Express Emails, enabling communication in various languages for Enrollment Emails, Rejection Emails, and Submission Emails. This is achieved by selecting a language using the Multi-language Settings icon and including translations for both the email body and subject within the Enrollment Express Email Configuration.

Parents will receive translated emails for Enrollment, Rejection, and Submission Email - Parent, based on the specific locale used for submitting the Pre-Registration form.


  • Email configurations cannot be saved without the default language email configuration being set up.

  • Email variables such as $DistrictName, $StudentName, and so on, within the email body cannot be translated.


  • Districts have defined the Enrollment Express Emails in the default language.

  • Districts have set up translations for all system-defined content on the Pre-Registration form using instructions.

  • Districts have installed the Ecollect-TranslationManager plugin.

  • Districts have setup SIS locales on the Manage Locales page (navigate to System Administrator, click Page and Data Management, and then select Manage System Locales).

  • Districts have setup EEC language in Forms configuration (navigate to System Administrator, click Forms, and then select Configure Form Languages).

Publish a locale-specific Pre-Registration form

Administrators can access multiple SIS pre-registration URLs, each corresponding to a specific SIS locale that has been set up. If the translations have been properly set up following the pre-requisites, all system-defined content on the Pre-Registration page will be automatically translated.

Administrators will also have the option to choose which of these locales they want to publish and make available to parents.

Parents can now click on a language-specific Pre-Registration URL that matches their locale. This allows them to enter and submit their Pre-Registration application in their language.

Add user-defined translations to Enrollment Express parent emails

For Enrollment Email, Rejection Email, and Submission Email - Parent, administrators can access the Multi-Language Settings icon, select different languages, and include translations for both the email body and subject. Click Submit to finalize the changes.

Administrators can configure email settings along with translations and must submit their changes for each tab.

Note that administrators cannot submit email configurations without configuring the default language email.

As a result, parents will receive translated emails for Enrollment Email, Rejection Email, and Submission Email - Parent, based on the specific locale for which they have submitted the Pre-Registration form.


  • Variable names like $DistrictName, $StudentName, and more, that are part of email body cannot be translated.

  • For any existing pending submissions, the locale is stored as null, and emails are sent in the default language.

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