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Custom Web Page Setup

To get started, the following items must be set up.

Enable Customization in PowerSchool

First verify that customization is enabled in PowerSchool.

  1. Navigate to the Enable Customization page. 
  2. Verify the Customization Enabled checkbox is selected. If it is not, select the checkbox.
  3. Click Submit

Disable Image Server If Using Customized Images (Optional)

If using customized images, be sure that PowerSchool's image server is disabled. If enabled, PowerSchool will serve images from the image server instead of the of the customized images in the PowerSchool database.

Disable Image Server (Single Server)

  1. Navigate to the Server Settings page.
  2. Verify the Use image server checkbox is deselected.
  3. If it is not, deselect the Use image server checkbox.
  4. Click Submit.

Disable Image Server (Server Array)

  1. Navigate to the Server Array Settings page. 
  2. Click Server List
  3. Click the ID or Supplied Name of the server you want to edit. 
  4. Verify the Use image server checkbox is deselected.
  5. If it is not, deselect the Use image server checkbox.
  6. Click Submit. 

Enable Custom Web Page Management

Next enable Custom Web Page Management. Once enabled, custom web pages will be stored and retrieved from the PowerSchool database instead of the PowerSchool custom webroot directory.

  1. Navigate to the Enable and Migrate Custom Pages page.
  2. Select the Enable Custom Web Page Application checkbox.
  3. Click Save

Migrate Custom Web Pages (Optional)

After enabling customizations and Custom Web Page Management, you will have the opportunity to migrate your existing custom web pages from the PowerSchool custom webroot directory into the PowerSchool database in order for your customizations to continue working properly. If you do not migrate your existing custom web pages, your customizations will no longer appear in PowerSchool. Only customizations entered using the custom web page application will appear.
When performing the migration process, a report is generated indicating whether or not the migration was successful and identifies any issues that were encountered during the migration. Using the report, you can reconcile issues and perform the migration again.
The migration process can be performed as often as needed. Note that file names are not case-sensitive. Therefore, files with the same name will be overwritten.

If you are using PowerSchool Server Array where the server array is using a share point for the custom directory, PowerSchool must be actively running on the same machine as the Tomcat server hosting the custom pages web application for the migration to run correctly.

  1. Navigate to the Enable and Migrate Custom Pages page.
  2. Verify the Enable Custom Web Page Application checkbox is selected.
    If the Migrate button does not appear, deselect the Enable Custom Web Page Application checkbox and then select it again.
  3. Click Migrate.
  4. Click OK to close the report.

Disable Custom Web Page Management

Once you have enabled the custom web page application, later you may find it necessary to render it inoperative. If you disable the custom web page application, custom files contained within the PowerSchool database will no longer appear in PowerSchool. Only files contained within PowerSchool's custom webroot directory will appear. It is important to note that files contained within the custom web page application cannot be exported from the PowerSchool database. Any additions or modifications will need to be recreated in the PowerSchool custom webroot directory.

  1. Navigate to the Enable and Migrate Custom Pages page.
  2. Deselect the Enable Custom Web Page Application checkbox.
  3. Click Save
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