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Class Rank DATs

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The Class Rank DAT is used to return data from the Class Rank table for the student.


^(*classrank method="method name" result="value" percentiledigits="decimal places")

The asterisk in the ^(*classrank) DAT is required.


The name of the GPA calculation method that is used to calculate the class rank. The name must be an exact match with an existing GPA calculation method name; if it is mismatched, the DAT will return "Not Ranked." If this parameter is omitted, a method named "weighted" will be used (this calculation method is a default supplied by PowerSchool).


The type of data that will be returned by this DAT. If this parameter is omitted, the "rank" value is used. The values that can be passed to this parameter are:

  • gpa - The GPA used to determine the class rank.
  • outof - The total number of students on the class rank list.
  • percentile - The student's class rank percentile.
  • rank - The student's class rank.
  • rankof - The student's class rank out of the total number of ranked students.
  • rankoutof - Same as "rankof," but including the word "out."
  • schoolname - The school that the class rank record is associated with.

PercentileDigits (Optional)

Can be used to define the number of decimal places to be used when passing the "percentile" value to the result parameter.

Term (Semi-Optional)

The term value specifies the value of ClassRank.StoreCode to return. If this parameter is omitted, a value of "" will be used, this will only return blank/empty. The Class Rank process does not populate the StoreCode field and may be added after Class Rank is calculated. Additionally, the Class Rank process does not remove records with ClassRank.StoreCode defined.

SchoolID (Optional)

The schoolid of the ClassRank record to return. This may be dependent on the use Term option when used to access historical ClassRank records where a ClassRank.StoreCode value is defined.

Grade (Optional)

The grade of the ClassRank record to return. This may be dependent on the use Term option when used to access historical ClassRank records where a ClassRank.StoreCode value is defined.

Year (Optional)

The year of the ClassRank record to return. For example, for the 20-21 school year, you would use year="2020". This may be dependent on the use Term option when used to access historical ClassRank records where a ClassRank.StoreCode value is defined.

Source of Data

The values from the parameters above are stored in corresponding fields of the [ClassRank] table.

ClassRank table with stored values.



Returns the student's rank value using the weighted class rank method, such as "26."

^(*classrank method="High Honors" result="gpa")

Returns the GPA calculated for the student by the High Honors class rank method, for instance, "3.92."

^(*classrank method="AP" result="outof")

Returns the total number of students included in the class ranking list as determined by the AP GPA class rank method, for example, "336."

^(*classrank method="Honors" result="percentile")

Returns the student's rank percentile, as determined by the Honors class rank method, for example, "94.12."

^(*classrank method="Honors" result="percentile" percentiledigits="4")

Returns the student's rank percentile, as determined by the Honors class rank method, using four decimal places, for example, "26.1748."

^(*classrank method="Simple" result="rank")

Returns the student's rank value using the Simple class rank method, for instance, "42".

^(*classrank method="AP" result="rankof")

Returns the student"s rank using the AP class rank method and the total number of ranked students separated by the word "of," for example, "15 of 206."

^(*classrank result="rankoutof")

Returns the student's rank value using the Weighted class rank method and the total number of ranked students separated by the words "out of," for example "4 out of 157."

^(*classrank result="schoolname")

Returns the name of the school where the class rank using the Weighted class rank method was calculated, for example, "Apple Grove High School."

^(*classrank method="High Honors" Term="Hist" year="2018" result="gpa")

Returns the GPA calculated for the student by the High Honors class rank method, for the 2018-2019 school year if the ClassRank.StoreCode was populated with "Hist", for instance, "3.92."

^(*classrank method="High Honors" schoolid="899021" result="gpa")

Returns the GPA calculated for the student by the High Honors class rank method where the ClassRank.SchoolId equals 899021, for instance, "3.92."

^(*classrank method="High Honors" grade="8" result="gpa")

Returns the GPA calculated for the student by the High Honors class rank method where the ClassRank.Grade_Level equals 9, for instance, "3.92."

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