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Work with Enterprise Reporting

On this page:

Enterprise Reporting provides the following six sample reports:

  • Student Demographic
  • Stored Grades
  • Student Attendance Summary
  • Student Incident
  • Student Test
  • YTD Absences by Grade

The reports delivered are for example purposes only and may need specific modification to the queries within the APEX Builder to work for your district or school. Users who have been granted access to the Application Builder in APEX can publish additional reports to PowerSchool Enterprise Reporting.

Access Enterprise Reporting

Using the Enterprise Reports page, you can access the various Enterprise Reports published within PowerSchool. Report access is based on your user access role.

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Reports page. This displays the following pre-built reports:




    Click Student Attendance Summary to access the Student Attendance Report, which provides data from the Students, Schools, FTE, Attendance, and Attendance_Code tables.

    Click YTD Absences by Grade to access a report displaying a chart of absences by grade as well as a related data grid, which provides data from the Students, Schools, FTE, Attendance, and Attendance_Code tables.

    Discipline and Incidents

    Click Student Incidents to access the Student Incidents Report, which provides data from the Students, Schools, FTE, and several Incident tables.


    Click Stored Grades to access the Student Stored Grades Report, which provides data from the Students, Schools, FTE, and StoredGrades tables.

    Click Student Tests to access the Student Tests Report, which provides data from the Students, Schools, FTE, Test, TestScores, and StudentTestScores tables.


    Click Student Demographics to access the Student Demographics Report, which provides data from the Students and Schools tables.

    If a user is assigned to a role has permission to Manage Enterprise Reports, they will see additional fields to add, publish, and edit or remove reports.

Customize an Enterprise Report

Customize the layout on any report to view specific results.

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Reports page.
  2. Click the name of the report you want to customize.
  3. The following features are available to modify Enterprise Reports and the data displayed:



    Set Current Selection

    Choose Set Current Selection to make the students from the applied filter your current student selection.

    Choose Add to Selection to add students to your current selection.


    1. Enter search criteria in the search box.
    2. Click the arrow next to the search icon to narrow your search to specific columns. Choose All Columns to search all columns.
    3. Click Go to submit the search.

    Report List

    This list displays alternate default and saved private or public reports. Choose a report.


    Select the number of rows to display on the page.


    Select an option to customize the report.

  4. To filter data on the report:
    1. Select the checkbox next to the filter name. Use the arrow to the left of the filter name to view or hide filter details.
    2. To edit a filter, click on the filter name.
    3. To remove a filter, click the x next to the filter name.

Generate an Enterprise Report

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Reports page.
  2. Click the name of the report you want to run. The selected report appears in a new tab.
  3. Customize, if needed. 
  4. Edit information in the fields.

  5. Close the tab.
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