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Work with PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal

Once setup items have been configured, students and parents can:

Additionally, parents can (depending on your configuration):

Sign In to the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal

Before you can sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, you will need your school's PowerSchool Student and Parent portal URL, your username, and your password. If you do not have this information or have questions, contact your school.

Note: Do not use someone else's password or give your password to anyone else.

  1. Open your Web browser to your school's PowerSchool Student and Parent portal URL. 
    Note: If the Parent and Student Sign In page does not automatically appear, click the Sign In tab.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Select Language

    Choose the language in which you want to view the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal from the pop-up menu.

    Note: If no more than one locale is configured, the pop-up menu does not appear.


    Enter your username.


    Enter your password. The characters appear as asterisks ( * ) to ensure greater security when you sign in.

  3. Click Sign In

    • If your PowerSchool administrator has issued you a temporary password, you may be asked to reset your password upon first signing in. 
    • If your password has expired, you may be asked to reset your password. 
    • If you have exceeded the number of sign in attempts allowed, you may become locked out of PowerSchool. If so, contact your school.

Sign In After Session Timeout

If you are not actively working in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, your session may time out. If so, you need to sign in again.

Note: In order to reload/restore the last page you were viewing/using, you must be using the same computer, same HTML5-compatible browser, and same portal. Additionally, if another user signs in after your session has timed out, your previous session cannot be reloaded/restored.

  1. If you have been signed out. Return to Sign In Page. pop-up appears, click Sign In Page.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Yes to reload/restore the last page you were viewing/using.
    • Click No to sign in and access the start page.
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